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like to see if "axax019" is registered or not?

i've been googling for an hour and found nothing
/msg NickServ info NICK
thanks so much laugh

now during that check, is there a way to have the script read that and go through a code....


on *:JOIN:#blahblahblah:{  
  if ($nick == superbay2093) { 
     /msg nickserv acc $nick

how would i have a response from that?

on *:TEXT:?:{  
  if ($1 == superbay2093) { 
     if ($3 == 3) {
     if ($3 == 0) {
      /kick # $nick 
      /mode # +b $wildsite
I did not get you what really you want please explain a bit more you want when you do /msg nickserv info NICK to do what?
theres been an issue w/ some people pretending to be the OP's in the channel

so i want to make a script that can check for fakes and real users
and kick/ban the fakes
Fake users = Non registered users?

you want an script to kick/ban the users that are not registered to the nickserv?
in a nutshell yes
but only for the OP's
Try use this code on an NEW FILE on the script editor:

ON !*:JOIN:#: {
  .timer[CHECK_ $+ $nick $+ _STATUS] 1 3 check_op_status $nick $chan

alias check_op_status {
  if (!$1) { return }
  if ($me !ison $2) { return }
  if ($1 !ison $2) { return }
  if ($1 !isop $2) { return }
  set -e %check_chan $2
  set -e %check_nick $1
  .msg NickServ info $1

ON ^*:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if ($nick == NickServ) && (%check_chan) && (%check_nick) {
    if (*isn't registered.* iswm $1-) && (%check_nick) && (%check_chan) {
      if ($me !ison %check_chan) { unset %check_* | return }
      if ($me !isop %check_chan) { unset %check_* | return }
      if (%check_nick !ison %check_chan) { unset %check_* | return }
      var %a = $address(%check_nick,2)
      mode %check_chan $iif(!%a,+b %check_nick,+bb %check_nick %a)
      kick %check_chan %check_nick [BANNED]: You are NOT allowed to stay into this room! - Your nickname is NOT registered!
      unset %check_*
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