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Hi all!

I've spent pretty much the last day solidly learning how to script in mirc (oh, and I had an exam xD). It's gone well but I've hit one final stumbling block...

I want to type !elo <nickname> in my channel, and have my bot respond with the elo of <nickname>. The information is handily stored on this website (e.g. nickname = earth_quake):


I have managed to make my bot print out the header of the webpage...but nothing else. When I try other websites I can print the entire html source of the webpage. What is going wrong? Any help would be much appreciated smile

2nd question: How can I create a global variable defined in "on $*:text:!elo*:#: {" that contains the <nickname> specified, that is then accessible in "on *:SOCKOPEN:QLR: {" ? i.e. GET /api.aspx?nick=<nickname>

on $*:text:!elo*:#: {
  msg $chan Getting elo for $$2 ...
  if ($sock(QLR)) {
    .sockclose QLR
    msg #prdxclan Socket already open! Closed socket, trying again...
  sockopen QLR www.qlranks.com 80

  msg #prdxclan Opened socket...
  ; $sockname stands for the name of the socket - QLR
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /api.aspx?nick=earth_quake HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */*
  sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Language: en-us
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; DigExt) 
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.qlranks.com
  sockwrite -n $sockname
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf
  ; sent data to QLR socket requesting the api info for earth_quake

  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %temp
  ; read the data coming from the socket
  if ($sockbr == 0) { sockclose %sockname }
  ; if i've read all the data, stop
  if (%temp) { msg #prdxclan %temp }
  ; if there was stuff received from the socket, then echo it
  goto nextread

  msg #prdxclan Closed socket.

Thank youuuuuu <3
If you don't mind using other scripts to help you, you could use my json parsing script to make the code quite easy:

; on a message starting with "!elo <name>" sent to any channel
on *:TEXT:!elo ?*:#:{

  ; open a json handler to the required page($2 is the specified nick)
  jsonopen -ud elo http://www.qlranks.com/api.apsx?nick= $+ $2

  ; get the number of player results
  var %x = 0, %len = $json(elo, players, length)

  ; loop over each player
  while (%x < %len) {

    ; Grab the player data for each 'section'
    ;   Done like this so you can see how I got the data
    var %pname = $json(elo, players, %x, nick)

    var %ca_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, ca, rank)
    var %ca_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, ca, elo)
    var %ca = %ca_rank $+ ( $+ %ca_elo $+ )

    var %dual_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, dual, rank)
    var %dual_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, dual, elo)
    var %dual = %dual_rank $+ ( $+ %dual_elo $+ )

    var %tdm_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, tdm, rank)
    var %tdm_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, tdm, elo)
    var %tdm = %tdm_rank $+ ( $+ %tdm_elo $+ )

    var %ctf_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, ctf, rank)
    var %ctf_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, ctf, elo)
    var %ctf = %ctf_rank $+ ( $+ %ctf_elo $+ )

    var %ff_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, ff, rank)
    var %ff_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, ff, elo)
    var %ff = %ff_rank $+ ( $+ %ff_elo $+ )

    ; message the channel with:
    ;   [ELO] earth_quake - CA: 6058(1747) - Dual: 16079(1287) - TDM: 170276(700) - CTF: 7437(1739) - FF: 45786(1828)
    msg # [ELO] %pname - CA: %ca - Dual: %dual - TDM: %tdm - CTF: %ctf - FF: %ff

    ; Increase %x to move on to the next player if any
    inc %x
hey! Thanks so much, this is great!

Unfortunately it's not working for me 100%. I fixed a few typos you made (dual->duel and ff ->ffa) but other than that I don't know what to change.

I'm getting:

[ELO] - CA: () - Duel: () - TDM: () - CTF: () - FFA: ()

i.e. none of the json vars are working properly.

I installed the json for mirc script from here:


Any suggestions?

Thanks smile

EDIT: I placed "JSONList" just below the "JSONOpen" line, and I got the message: "* No active JSON handlers"
Well good job FroggieDaFrog but some values was incorrect typo and the url too, try use this one (fixed).

; on a message starting with "!elo <name>" sent to any channel
on *:TEXT:!elo ?*:#:{

  ; open a json handler to the required page($2 is the specified nick)
  jsonopen -ud elo http://www.qlranks.com/api.aspx?nick= $+ $2

  ; reporting an error message if any errors appear while trying to open the json
  if (%JSONError) { msg # [ELO]: Error, There was an connection problem to the qlranks.com website, please try again later! | goto end }

  ; get the number of player results
  var %x = 0, %len = $json(elo, players, length)

  ; loop over each player
  while (%x < %len) {

    ; Grab the player data for each 'section'
    ;   Done like this so you can see how I got the data
    var %pname = $json(elo, players, %x, nick)

    var %ca_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, ca, rank)
    var %ca_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, ca, elo)
    var %ca = %ca_rank $+ ( $+ %ca_elo $+ )

    var %dual_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, duel, rank)
    var %dual_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, duel, elo)
    var %dual = %dual_rank $+ ( $+ %dual_elo $+ )

    var %tdm_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, tdm, rank)
    var %tdm_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, tdm, elo)
    var %tdm = %tdm_rank $+ ( $+ %tdm_elo $+ )

    var %ctf_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, ctf, rank)
    var %ctf_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, ctf, elo)
    var %ctf = %ctf_rank $+ ( $+ %ctf_elo $+ )

    var %ff_rank = $json(elo, players, %x, ffa, rank)
    var %ff_elo = $json(elo, players, %x, ffa, elo)
    var %ff = %ff_rank $+ ( $+ %ff_elo $+ )

    ; message the channel with:
    ;   [ELO] earth_quake - CA: 6058(1747) - Duel: 16079(1287) - TDM: 170276(700) - CTF: 7437(1739) - FF: 45786(1828)
    msg # [ELO] %pname - CA: %ca - Duel: %dual - TDM: %tdm - CTF: %ctf - FF: %ff

    ; Increase %x to move on to the next player if any
    inc %x
  jsonclose elo
Thanks so much! works perfectly smile

grin grin grin
Sorry for the typos, I sort of rushed it, thanks westor for fixing them.

With that said, /jsonclose isn't needed at the end, as the -d switch with jsonopen will close the handler automatically as soon as the onText event finishes
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