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Posted By: HappyFappy adding players to a game.... - 11/01/15 06:27 AM
This is a BIG tricky one... (not for you superninjas of mIRC)

I wanna add players to a game...

-when someone attacks, it adds their name to a list
-if they attack multiple times it wont add their nick more than just the once
-at the end, the players get awarded only

something like "add $nick to players.ini" <--- adds to the *tipped blah blah blah*
and then read the players.ini
and tip each one the same amount splitting a determined amount

10 players total and 100 in reward

!tip playera 10
!tip playerb 10
and so on
(this part needs to go in alias rain)

Here is my gamecode i made:

alias start { 
  var %num = $rand(0,10)
  if (%num == 0) {
  if (%num == 1) {
    set %total 100
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 100 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 2) {
    set %total 150
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 150 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 3) {
    set %total 200
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 200 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 4) {
    set %total 250
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 250 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 5) {
    set %total 300
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 300 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 6) {
    set %total 350
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 350 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 7) {
    set %total 400
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 400 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 8) {
    set %total 450
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 450 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 9) {
    set %total 500
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 500 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
  if (%num == 10) {
    set %total 550
    /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 550 )
    /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
    /unset %money.deposit
    timer 1 1 msg # NEW WAVE! This round has %total ZOMBIES!
alias bonus { 
  set %total 1000
  /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) + 1000 )
  /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
  /unset %money.deposit
  msg # BONUS ROUND!
ON *:TEXT:*tipped nameofgame*:#:{ 
  /set %money.deposit $calc( $readini( zombie.ini, ZOMBIE , Money ) - $4 )
  /writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money %money.deposit
  /unset %money.deposit
  var %num1 = $rand(0,4)
  if (%num1 == 1) {
    set %m1 $4 * 1
    timer 1 1 msg # $1 has attacked the zombies with a x1 multiplier and taken out %m1 of %total zombies this wave with $readini(zombie.ini, ZOMBIE, Money) zombies left!
  if (%num1 == 2) {
    set %m2 $4 * 2
    timer 1 1 msg #doomageddon $1 has attacked the zombies with a x2 multiplier and taken out %m2 of %total zombies this wave with $readini(zombie.ini, ZOMBIE, Money) zombies left!
  if (%num1 == 3) {
    set %m3 $4 * 1
    timer 1 1 msg # $1 has attacked the zombies with a x1 multiplier and taken out %m3 of %total zombies this wave with $readini(zombie.ini, ZOMBIE, Money) zombies left!
  if (%num1 == 0) {
    set %m4 $4 * 3
    timer 1 1 msg # $1 has attacked the zombies with a x3 multiplier and taken out %m4 of %total zombies this wave with $readini(zombie.ini, ZOMBIE, Money) zombies left!
  if (%num1 == 4) {
    set %m5 $4 * 1
    timer 1 1 msg # $1 has attacked the zombies with a x1 multiplier and taken out %m5 of %total zombies this wave with $readini(zombie.ini, ZOMBIE, Money) zombies left!
  /unset %num1
alias check { 
  if ($readini( zombie.ini, zombie, Money ) = 0) {
  if ($readini( zombie.ini, zombie, Money ) > 0) {
alias rain { 
  msg # THE ZOMBIES HAVE BEEN DEFEATED! The warriors will recieve the spoils of war!
ON *:TEXT:go:?: {
  if ($nick == adminuser) { 
Posted By: Belhifet Re: adding players to a game.... - 11/01/15 08:29 AM
ON *:TEXT:!whateverillplay:#:{ 
  if (!$hget(players)) { hmake players }
  if (!$hget(players,$nick)) { 
    hadd players $nick $calc($hget(players,0).item + 1) 
    .msg $chan ok w/e added you
  else { .msg $chan gtfo scrub u already play'n }
alias rain { 
  msg # THE ZOMBIES HAVE BEEN DEFEATED! The warriors will recieve the spoils of war!
  var %i = 1, %payout = $floor($calc($readini(zombie.ini,ZOMBIE,Money) / $hget(players,0).item))
  while (%i <= $hget(players,0).item) {
    writeini filewithmoney.ini $hget(players,%i).item $calc($readini(filewithmoney.ini,$hget(players,%i).item,moneyvalue) + %payout)
    inc %i
  hfree players

Uhh something like this? I dunno I couldnt really test it.

Your code is kinda bloated..you can cut down that stuff by...a ton.

alias start {
  var %num = $rand(0,10)
  writeini zombie.ini ZOMBIE Money $calc($readini(zombie.ini,ZOMBIE,Money) + $iif(%num >= 1,$calc(50 + (50 * %num)),1000))
  if (%num >= 1) { msg # NEW WAVE! This round has $calc(50 * %num) ZOMBIES! }
  else { msg # BONUS ROUND! }

When you're writing code try to not repeat yourself.
Posted By: HappyFappy Re: adding players to a game.... - 11/01/15 09:00 AM
lol i figured there was an easier way

but this:
ON *:TEXT:!whateverillplay:#:{ 
  if (!$hget(players)) { hmake players }
  if (!$hget(players,$nick)) { 
    hadd players $nick $calc($hget(players,0).item + 1) 
    .msg $chan ok w/e added you
  else { .msg $chan gtfo scrub u already play'n }

can it accept the same player to play again but their nick wont show twice?
Posted By: Belhifet Re: adding players to a game.... - 12/01/15 04:35 AM
I'm not clear what you mean. Its setup to either add them to the list of people playing or tell them they are already playing.
Posted By: HappyFappy Re: adding players to a game.... - 14/01/15 01:50 AM
im having a new problem w/ this script

how do i get it to reset an .ini file to blank

i've tried removal but it doesnt seem to do anything

/remove C:\Documents and Settings\********\Application Data\mIRC\zombie.ini

that doesnt apparently delete
Posted By: judge2020 Re: adding players to a game.... - 16/01/15 11:58 PM
if you have one section (as in one thing that is surrounded by [] at the beginning) then you can /remini path\yourini.ini yoursection

else, you could "/remove path\youini.ini" and the next time mirc tries to write to the removed INI it will automatically create the file again
Posted By: TrihXeen Re: adding players to a game.... - 22/01/15 09:11 AM
I hope you don't mind, but ive played with your code and took out the bonus round(i didnt really wanna use it), made some other changes. Made to use with a twitch chat bot. im new to writing code in mIRC, so tell me what you guys think!

here is what i ended up with: http://pastebin.com/raBiy3P8
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