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Trying to make a Twitch bot (mainly for use in one channel) but these two sections of the script break each other. On their own, you can place them wherever and nothing will happen, everything will work fine. But if you place them together, only one of them will work. The one that's on top always works, but it breaks everything below it. For example, if one of them is at the very top and the other is at the very bottom, everything except the very top section will break. I'm not a coder by any means (I practically found all of this on the forums here or somewhere else) so if anyone could explain to me why this happens, that would be awesome.
Here are the two sections in question:
on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) { return }
  if ( $len($1-) >= 20 ) {
    if ( $calc($regex($1-,/[A-Z]/g) / $regex($1-,/[A-Z]/gi) * 100) >= 60 ) { 

      ; check if user is not warned yet
      if !$istok(%caps.warned,$nick,32) {

        ; warning user      
        msg $chan $nick $+ , use your indoor voice! [warning] 
        msg $chan .timeout $nick 10

        ; add user to %caps.warned, so we can check it later
        set -e %caps.warned $addtok(%caps.warned,$nick,32)

        ; set timer to remove user from %caps.warned after 300s
        .timer 1 300 remove.warned $nick
      else {
        ; so user is already warned.. 
        msg $chan .timeout $nick 180
        msg $chan $nick $+ , silence! [timeout]

alias -l remove.warned {
  set -e %caps.warned $remtok(%caps.warned,$1,1,32)

This one is supposed to time someone out for 10 seconds if they talk in caps, then time them out for 180 seconds if they do it again within 5 minutes.
on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) return

  var %e 4Head #/ :7 :( :) :/ :> :\ :D :o :P :p :s :z :| ;) ;P ;p <3 <] >( aneleanele ArsonNoSexy AsianGlow AtGL AtIvy AtWW B) BatChest BCWarrior BibleThump BigBrother BionicBunion BlargNaut BloodTrail BORT BrainSlug BrokeBack CougarHunt DAESuppy DansGame DatSheffy DBstyle DogFace EagleEye EleGiggle EvilFetus FailFish FPSMarksman FrankerZ FreakinStinkin FUNgineer FuzzyOtterOO GasJoker GingerPower GrammarKing HassanChop HotPokket ItsBoshyTime Jebaited JKanStyle JonCarnage KAPOW Kappa kappaHD Keepo KevinTurtle Kippa Kreygasm KZassault KZcover KZguerilla KZhelghast KZowl KZskull MechaSupes MiniK MrDestructoid MVGame NightBat NinjaTroll NoNoSpot noScope420 o_O OMGScoots OneHand OpieOP OptimizePrime PanicVis PazPazowitz PeoplesChamp PicoMause PipeHype PJHarley PJSalt PMSTwin PogChamp Poooound PunchTrees R) RalpherZ RedCoat ResidentSleeper RitzMitz RuleFive Shazam shazamicon ShazBotstix SMOrc SMSkull SoBayed SoonerLater SSSsss StoneLightning StrawBeary SuperVinlin SwiftRage TehFunrun TF2John TheRinger TheTarFu TheThing ThunBeast TinyFace TooSpicy TriHard UleetBackup UncleNox UnSane Volcania WholeWheat WinWaker WTRuck YouWHY

  var %re /( $+ $replacex(%e,$chr(32),|,/,\/,$chr(40),$+(\,$chr(40)),$chr(41),$+(\,$chr(41)),\,\\,|,\|,],\],[,\[) $+ )/Sig

  if ($regex($1-,%re) >= 5) {
    emotespam $chan $nick

alias -l emotespam {
  var %chan = $$1
  var %nick = $$2

  if ($hget(emotespam,$nick)) {
    timeout %chan %nick 180
    msg $chan $nick $+ , no emote spam [timeout]
  else {
    timeout %chan %nick 10
    msg $chan $nick $+ , no emote spam [warning]
    hadd -mu300 emotespam %nick 1

alias -l timeout {
  var %chan = $$1
  var %nick = $$2
  var %length = $$3

  .timer 1 1 msg %chan .timeout %nick %length

And this one is the same thing, but with (Twitch) emote spamming. I didn't include the rest of the code because all of it is commands (e.g. the bot will say something if someone types "!command").
In your script editor, press file > new, paste the second script in a new file.

As to why they don't work together: They trigger on the same text, being all text. If one triggers on something, anything after it will not trigger on the same text, you need to have it in a different file.
That.. was pretty simple. -facepalm-
Thanks for the help and explanation, though smile
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