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Posted By: funfare sending spoofed text - 29/11/14 10:09 AM
I'm not sure if this is doable, it seems like some clever trickery could make it happen, but I can't put my finger on it. maybe some sort of use of a null echo or something.. im not sure.

Is it possible, for instance, to type a letter "a", and have it appear to you that what you sent was the letter "a" to the chat window, but in fact what was actually sent to the chat was the letter "b" ?


on *:input:*:{
set %f $replace($1-,a,b)
say %f | halt

will swap "a" to "b" just fine, but the chat window shows "b" as well, is it possible for it to show "a" only to you?

just to absolutely clarify: you type "a", you see "a", everyone else on irc sees "b".
Posted By: Masoud Re: sending spoofed text - 29/11/14 11:21 AM
on *:Input:*:{
  .msg $active $replace($1-, a, b)
  echo -at $1-
Posted By: funfare Re: sending spoofed text - 29/11/14 05:00 PM
Perfect! Thanks so much.
Posted By: Nillen Re: sending spoofed text - 29/11/14 05:15 PM
I use something similar for myself, I changed it up a bit to match what you wanted since it was just some simple changes, take a look and see if you like it:
on *:input:query,#: {
  if ($left($1,1) == /) { 
    if (echo !isin $1) $1-
  else {
    .msg $active $wordchange($$active,$$1-)
    echo -a $+($chr(91),$time,$chr(93) $chr(60),$userstatus($me,$active),$me,$chr(62)) $1- 
alias userstatus {
  if ($1 isop $2) return $chr(64)
  elseif ($1 ishop $2) return $chr(37)
  elseif ($1 isvoice $2) return $chr(43)
  else return $null

alias -l wordchange {
  var %file words.ini
  var %topic $1
  var %string $2-
  var %sections $ini(%file,%topic,0)
  while (%sections) {
    var %section $ini(%file,%topic,%sections)
    if ($gettok(%string,%section,32)) { 
      var %item $readini(%file,%topic,%section) 
      var %string $replace(%string,%section,%item)
    dec %sections
  return %string

menu channel,query { 
  .Add : writeini words.ini $$active $$?="What word are you using?" $$?="What word do you want to show?"
  .Copy over : copy.words $$active $$?="Where do you want to copy from? Example: #Nillen (chan) or Nillen (person)"
  .Remove one word : remini words.ini $$1 $$?="What word do you want to remove?"
  .Remove all for $$active : remini words.ini $$active
  .Remove all : write -c words.ini
alias -l copy.words { 
  var %file words.ini
  var %destination $1
  var %from $2
  var %sections $ini(%file,%from,0)
  while (%sections) {
    var %section $ini(%file,%from,%sections)
    var %item $readini(%file,%from,%section)
    writeini %file %destination %section %item
    dec %sections
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