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Posted By: Newbie [Twitchbot] First Death help with script - 24/11/14 03:28 PM
To start of with, this is my first script, so it isn't optimized.
I'm trying to make a sort of First Death, betting system. Where if open, the person could bet on what boss or what exactly could kill me.

!fd open
Opens first death "event"
Records $2 and $nick into an .ini file
!fd close
Closes bets
Declares what killed me and gives points to whoever guess right.

The problem is that it will only add points to the person who typed !fd* (I.E. a moderator) and not for everyone who bet. Is there anyway to make it check every line instead of just one?

on *:TEXT:!fd open:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if (%firstdeath == 0) {
      msg $chan First death is open, chose the form of death!
      set %firstdeath 1
      write -c Firstdeath.ini
    else {
      msg $chan First Death is already open. 
  else {
    msg $chan This command is for Mods only.

on *:TEXT:!fd close:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if (%firstdeath == 1) {
      msg $chan First death is now closed.
      set %firstdeath 3
    else {
      msg &chan First Death bets are not open. 
  else {
    msg $chan This command is for Mods only.

on *:TEXT:!firstdeath*:#:{
  if (%firstdeath == 1) {
    var %boss = $2
    writeini Firstdeath.ini $nick Boss $2
    msg $chan $nick You chose $readini(Firstdeath.ini, $nick, Boss)
  else {
    msg $chan First death has already been claimed, but bets are still open. 

on *:TEXT:!fd*:#:{
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if (%firstdeath == 3) {
      if ($readini(Firstdeath.ini, $nick, Boss) == $2) {
        msg $chan YOU WIN!
        set %firstdeath 0
        writeini -n Dinocoins.ini $+(#,.,$nick) dinocoins $calc($readini(Dinocoins.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),dinocoins) + 50)
        msg $chan $nick now has $readini(Dinocoins.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),dinocoins) Dino coins.
        write -c Firstdeath.ini
      else {
        msg $chan $nick Sorry
        msg $chan Winning boss is $2
    else {
      msg $chan You must close First Death first. 
  else {
    msg $chan This command is for Mods only
Posted By: Newbie Re: [Twitchbot] First Death help with script - 28/11/14 04:15 AM
Can anyone help, the problem is that it only checks for the person who types !fd* and not everyone else. Is there a way to make the $readini read more than one line?
Posted By: Nillen Re: [Twitchbot] First Death help with script - 28/11/14 06:40 PM
In your "!fd*" event you're looking for
      if ($readini(Firstdeath.ini, $nick, Boss) == $2)
which will only be true if the user typing it was the one who wrote it. You're searching for the $nick of the user as the topic as well as the limit to ops only in the script. No other users than ops will be able to trigger that far into the script.

I re-designed your script a bit while still trying to keep to your same style of scripting
on *:text:!fd &:#: {
  var %file firstdeath.ini
  if (!%firstdeath) {
    if ($2 != open) msg # First Death is currently not active, it needs to be opened first.
    elseif ($nick !isop #) msg # This command is for mods only. 
    else {
      msg # First Death is open, choose the form of first death.
      remini %file #
      set %firstdeath 1
  elseif (%firstdeath == 1) { 
    writeini %file # user $nick
    writeini %file # boss $2
    msg # You chose $2
    set %firstdeath 2
  elseif (%firstdeath == 2) {
    if ($2 != close) msg # First Death is currently not active, it needs to be closed first.
    elseif ($nick !isop #) msg # This command is for mods only. 
    else {
      msg # First Death is now closed
      set %firstdeath 3
  elseif (%firstdeath == 3) { 
    if ($2 == $readini(%file,#,boss)) { 
      msg # YOU WIN! $2 was correct, $readini(%file,#,user) was the one who chose it. 
      unset %firstdeath
      writeini -n Dinocoins.ini $+(#,.,$nick) dinocoins $calc($readini(Dinocoins.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),dinocoins) + 50)
      msg # $nick now has $readini(Dinocoins.ini,$+(#,.,$nick),dinocoins) Dino coins.
    else msg # Sorry, $2 was not correct.

You'll have to tell me what you mean by "reading more than one line" Do you want to add dinocoins to people who guess, even though it's wrong? The way I scripted it now won't check for op status in the channel, so whoever guesses right will receive the dinocoins boost.

[19:38] <@nillens> !fd test
[19:38] <@nillensbot> First Death is currently not active, it needs to be opened first.
[19:38] <@nillens> !fd open
[19:38] <@nillensbot> First Death is open, choose the form of first death.
[19:38] <@nillens> !fd Chainsaw
[19:38] <@nillensbot> You chose Chainsaw
[19:38] <@nillens> !fd test
[19:38] <@nillensbot> First Death is currently not active, it needs to be closed first.
[19:38] <@nillens> !fd close
[19:38] <@nillensbot> First Death is now closed
[19:39] <@nillens> !fd guess
[19:39] <@nillensbot> Sorry, guess was not correct.
[19:39] <@nillens> !fd chainsaw
[19:39] <@nillensbot> YOU WIN! chainsaw was correct, nillens was the one who chose it.
[19:39] <@nillensbot> nillens now has 50 Dino coins.
Tested and working.
Posted By: Newbie Re: [Twitchbot] First Death help with script - 28/11/14 07:13 PM
Thanks for the reply, but no unfortunately this isn't what I was looking for.

So the way I want it to work is that when the event is open, everyone watching can place a bet by typing !fd choice. This will store their $nick and boss into the Firstdeath.ini. Once I have died, I type in !fd killer and if !fd killer = !fd choice then everyone who got it right will get a set amount of Dinocoins (points).
Posted By: Nillen Re: [Twitchbot] First Death help with script - 28/11/14 07:46 PM
on *:text:!fd &:#: {
  var %file firstdeath.ini
  if (!%firstdeath) {
    if ($2 != open) msg # First Death is currently not active, it needs to be opened first.
    elseif ($nick !isop #) msg # This command is for mods only. 
    else {
      msg # First Death is open, choose the form of first death.
      write -c %file
      set %firstdeath 1
  elseif (%firstdeath == 1)  {
    if ($2 != close) writeini %file $2 $nick 1
    else { 
      if ($nick !isop #) msg # This command is for mods only.
      else { 
        msg # First Death is closed.
        set %firstdeath 2
  elseif (%firstdeath == 2) { 
    if ($nick !isop #) msg # This command is for mods only 
    else {
      var %winners $ini(%file,$2,0)
      while (%winners) {
        var %winner $ini(%file,$2,%winners)
        var %wins %wins %winner
        writeini -n Dinocoins.ini $+(#,.,%winner) dinocoins $calc($readini(Dinocoins.ini,$+(#,.,%winner),dinocoins) + 50)
        dec %winners
      msg # The winners are: %wins - All received 50 dinocoins.
      unset %firstdeath
Posted By: Newbie Re: [Twitchbot] First Death help with script - 28/11/14 08:01 PM
Thank you so much! I guess I never thought about setting the topic as the form of death instead of the nickname. Thanks again!
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