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Posted By: TheCanadian Trivia script help - 12/11/14 02:17 AM
I would like to know if it's even possible to make a trivia game using a twitch bot that give points to people if they get the question correct. I've all ready looked over the internet and there seems to be no such thing. I would like the questions to be read from a .txt file and have the questions set on a timer.

Points script I use (Not created by me): http://pastebin.com/wPZCeSmu
Posted By: Habilis Re: Trivia script help - 13/11/14 07:23 PM
In short, it's totally possible and not too difficult. In fact, the hardest part would probably be getting enough questions.

What i would do is use $read(file.txt,n) to get a random question and set it to a variable. Depending on how the file questions and answers are formatted, you might have to parse the string.

The setting of the variable can be automated using a timer, which upon expiration, will free the variable. To prevent mistypes in chat, I would set an !answer * in order to answer the question.

If you have more specific requirements, I would be able to help you code it up.
Posted By: TheCanadian Re: Trivia script help - 13/11/14 09:53 PM
Even if there was a command "!question" to run the question instead of the chat being spammed endlessly. And I like the "!answer" command. I would also want it hooked up to the points system I linked in the post above, for example if the person gets the right answer they get five points and there would be a message displayed "[username] Got 5 points for answering the question correct."

I'm also new to mIRC so I don't think I'll be to much help.
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