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Posted By: Exuviax Setting Custom Aliases. - 05/08/14 12:18 AM
I used to know how to do this, but I haven't done it in so long. So basically, I want every script to use the same %Warning time through aliases. So if I use

on *:text:!warning *:#:{
  msg # Warning timeout set to $2 $+ .
  set alias %warning = $2

It will then set an aliases to $2 that I can then call upon in another script by using the identifier.

Also, for an added bouns, can I make the alias channel specific, so each channel can make their own warning time?

Posted By: Nillen Re: Setting Custom Aliases. - 05/08/14 01:56 AM
Store the value wherever, a wise man once told me to stop using dynamically named global variables and switch to .ini files for easier access. Best thing I've ever done.

on *:text:!warning &:#: { 
if ($2 !isnum) halt
writeini bot.ini warnings # $2
msg # Warning system currently set to: $2 seconds. 

;Syntax: $warn(#)
alias warn { return $iif($readini(bot.ini,warnings,$1),$v1,600) }

Example usage

on *:text:!test:#: { 
echo -ag $nick has been warned for $warn(#) seconds.

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