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Posted By: Dcease Twitch.tv fun script - 23/07/14 04:44 PM
So I have this fun script
And I want to make it like a random chatter can do !slap x/name for an example Faggot69 types in !slap Dcease then it will say "$Nich slapped Dcease in the face with a cricket bat and gives Dcease a nipple twister Kreygasm. How do I do that in my script and in the time I add %flood protection.

Posted By: Bramzee Re: Twitch.tv fun scriåt - 23/07/14 05:31 PM
on *:text:!slap*:#:{
  if ((%floodslap) || ($($+(%,floodslap.,$2),2))) { return }
  set -u30 %floodslap On
  set -u60 %floodslap. $+ $nick  On
  msg # $nick slaps $2 in the face with a cricket bat and gives $2 a nipple twister Kreygasm

Having a message for a cooldown is semi-pointless considering most flood protection is used to keep the bot from being spammed and to prevent bot spam itself. But, if you really want it just replace the { return } with { msg # This command is on cooldown, please wait a few seconds. | return }
Posted By: Dcease Re: Twitch.tv fun scriåt - 23/07/14 05:34 PM
Thank you very much kind sir, i'm gonna try and analyze the script to see if I can get myself to understand it. Btw, there is no flood protection. I can keep spamming the command.

// EDIT I fixed the problem by letting { Return } stay. Instead of adding a message. Thank you very much.
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