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Posted By: GerryNk Mass PM - 25/05/14 09:24 AM
Hello , i would like someone to give me a Mass pm script for mIRC Client . I had one once before but after sometime it didn't work and i deleted it frown . I want for my channel , because i need to send mass pm's to the guys into my channel about events etc... It is really to send to 50 people by hand messages . Please someone help me smile
Posted By: Nillen Re: Mass PM - 25/05/14 02:21 PM
menu nicklist {
  Add : masspm add $1
  Remove : masspm rem $1

menu status,channel {
  MassPM : masspm
  Change Message : masspm set

alias masspm { 
  var %file masspm.ini
  if ($1 == set) { .writeini %file message # $?="Input message here." | echo 3 -a MassPM message set }
  elseif ($1 == add) { if ($readini(%file,#,$2)) halt | .writeini -n %file # $2 1 | echo 3 -a $2 added to the masspm list }
  elseif ($1 == rem) { if (!$readini(%file,#,$2)) halt | .remini %file # $2 | echo 4 -a $2 removed from the masspm list. }
  else {
    var %h $ini(%file,#,0), %msg $readini(%file,n,message,#)
    if (%msg == $null) echo 4 -a Error, couldn't read message. 
    elseif (%h == $null) echo 4 -a Error, couldn't read userlist.
    else {
      while (%h) { 
        var %user $ini(%file,#,%h)
        .msg %user %msg
        dec %h
Tested and working, multi channel enabled as well.
You do everything in the menus, so just right click in the channel or on an user and you'll understand what to do
Posted By: GerryNk Re: Mass PM - 30/05/14 11:52 AM
it says me this MassPM message set
Error, couldn't read userlist.
Posted By: sparta Re: Mass PM - 30/05/14 12:54 PM
Are the people oped in the channel? If thats the case you can use /omsg <message> , only the people on your channel that are oped will get the message.
Posted By: Nillen Re: Mass PM - 30/05/14 01:05 PM
You need to right click on all the users you want to add, so you can selectively pm the ones you want.
I figured that if you want to message EVERYONE in the channel you could have just left a channel message.
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