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I am attempting to write a !latestfollowers command and everything is going fine but I am having problems with reading "display_name" I am using the $json script by Timi so I use the syntax $json(WWWPAGE, "display_name") and it returns the first instance. I was wondering if there was a way to read multiple "display_name" instances. Here is a page example of what I am trying to read from:

Ty for your help.
$json(%url,display_name) does not access the first instance. The first instance is here: $json(%url, follows, 0, user, display_name)

You need to get the follows count and then loop over it.

var %i = 0, %count = $json(%url, follows).count
while (%i < %count) {
  echo -ag $json(%url, follows, %i, user, display_name)
  inc %i

Just tested it and it works TY so much Loki smartest and nicest mIRC scripter out there!
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