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Is it possible to make something like this? I'm somewhat new to scripting, but this seems like it would be an amazing script to have, if possible.

I would use this in conjunction with twitch. I know for a lot of people, the current viewer lists takes awhile to load, so it would be nice to have it set as a command.
I would also like to see a code. I have tried to code this but couldn't get it to work.
Originally Posted By: godlylimes
Is it possible to make something like this? I'm somewhat new to scripting, but this seems like it would be an amazing script to have, if possible.

I would use this in conjunction with twitch. I know for a lot of people, the current viewer lists takes awhile to load, so it would be nice to have it set as a command.

Originally Posted By: judge2020
I would also like to see a code. I have tried to code this but couldn't get it to work.

Did you guys mean something like this? The command is !mods. It has a 1 minute (60 second) delay built in so the command can only be typed once every minute.

on *:text:!mods:#: {
  if (!%twitchmodlst.delay) {
    var %t = 1
    while (%t <= $nick(#,0,o)) {
      var %tmod = $iif(%tmod,%tmod $nick(#,%t,o),$nick(#,%t,o))
      inc %t
    set -eu60 %twitchmodlst.delay 1
    msg # Mods Online: $iif(%tmod,%tmod,None)
thanks! i already have some anti-spam measures but i guess this will do.
Twitch is so borked currently this is not possible using the script presented here. You would have to catch the mode commands and keep a list.

You would do that by the mode command. This will not be a real time process.

on 1:MODE:#mIRC:/notice $me $nick changed $chan mode to $1-

I capture the output of the mods command .mods for several functions, but that shows all mods not just the ones online
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