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I am a total Newb to scripts.
I keep getting banned for inactivity on 2 channels.
I need a script 1 to just say hi or something.
& I need a script to log me off after 30 minutes or 1 hour.
Please be very detailed from step 1 or I may get lost not able to figure out where u start or what u mean by ur statements.
Thanks in advance
You could put this into aliases:

/active_on /timerActive 0 1800 msg #<channel> Hi
/active_off /timerActive off

This will repeat 'Hi' every 30 minutes when you type in /active_on into the mirc window. And it will stop when you type /active_off. The '1800' is the ammount off seconds inbetween each message.

You could also type this into aliases:

/leave_on /timerLeave 0 3600 msg #<channel> /part
/leave_off /timerLeave off

This works the same way, when you type in /leave_on you will leave the channel every hour.
Hope this helps and if you have anything else you need, I or anyone else on the forums would be happy to help.
Originally Posted By: GamingTom
/leave_on /timerLeave 0 3600 msg #<channel> /part
Pretty sure you meant
/leave_on /timerLeave 0 3600 part #<channel>

You can make the timers more dynamic.
/active_on .timerActive. $+ $$chan 0 1800 if ($me ison # ) msg # Hi
/active_off .timerActive. $+ $iif(#,#,*) off

Now use /active_on in any channel window to msg THAT channel every 30m (1800s).
Typing /active_off in a channel window will stops the timer for THAT channel, while /active_off anywhere else will stop ALL Active.* timers

Obviously, you can/should do the same with the Leave* timers.
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