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Is it possible to join multiple password-protected channels on invite with multiple nicks?

eg site1 invites user 1
site2 invites user 2

.. and to auto join the channels with a password on bot invite.

yes it is possible.

you need to write a script that will process 'on connect' event.

since, on connect the network name is in $network, you can
test that variable in script, and if its (base on you naming):
if ( $network == site1) {
do the /joins needed for this net here
if ($network == site2) {
do the /joins needed for this net here

see /help on connect and /help /join for more info.
for /join (from help /join}:
Some channels may also have keys ie. a password, which you need to specify when using the /join command.
example: /join #irchelp trout

If this is not enough information to get you started, let me know, will put up a pastebin example of how to do the code.

Thanks for the reply

How would I specfiy:

i.) The nick of the inviting bot;
ii.) The nick I would like to join the channel on invite.

eg > bot1 invites you to join #chan1

if I have multiple mirc nicks on the same network, how do I specify which nick responds to the invite and joins the chan?

on *:invite:*: {
 if (%ajinvite == on) && ($network == NETWORK) && ($nick == NICK) join #CHANNEL PASSWORD

Replace NETWORK , NICK , CHANNEL , PASSWORD to fit your needs. You also need to enable the code. /set %ajinvite on/off , you only enable it on the "nick" you want to join on the invite.
Thanks sparta smile

Does the 'nick' variable refer to the nick of the inviting bot, or to the nick I want to invite?

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