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yeah, looking for one! I'm a newbie but I've done a little scripting before.


p.s. i dont mean the names in the listbox.
Only on other nicks, or your own to? Take a look at

/help on input

/help on text
on ^*:text:*:#: {
  echo -mt $chan $+(<,$nick,>) $1-

Color the nick part, this is just a exaple, not tested in any way.
Thank you very much! The input was my next question. I found help here:


code by itself:

on *:input:#:{
if (!$ctrlenter) && ($left($1,1) !== $readini(mirc.ini,text,commandchar)) {
echo -lmt $chan ( $+ $replace($nick($chan,$me).pnick,@+,@) $+ ) $1-
.msg $chan $1-
go to tools\addressbook and change any nick to what ya want
nick colors and message
i have my friend on one color and some another
in nicklist or in channel can even make the line hilite if ya want
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