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Posted By: BoXeRn_ How Can i /msg everyone With Userlevel 10? - 11/05/03 03:00 PM
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i tryed //msg $level(10,1)
Can Anyone Help? confused
//var %i = 1 | while (%i <= $ulist(*,10,0)) { msg $ulist(*,10,%i) your msg | inc %i }
note that if the user isn't only u will get an error from the server 'no such nick/channel' also if u have many nicknames
with that level u may excess flooded so u could use a timer:
except: msg $ulist(*,10,%i) your msg
use: .timer 1 $calc(%i * N) /msg $ulist(*,10,%i) your msg
replace N with the number of seconds that will be the interval
thanx laugh
hmm ,, it msg the address :P
can we make it /msg the nick with the address?
we can but there is a problem,
if u don't have his IAL u can't know what is the nickname so i suggest u to give the level to the NICKNAME
anyway if u HAVE his ial then u can loop and send all addresses that matches the address from the user list with $ial(address,N)
hmm , oki ..
do u know an example?
like i said, could be bugs there becuz maybe u don't have the ial of all the addresses in your user list, so i suggest u to give the level to the nick
/auser 10 NICKNAME
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