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Is there a way for alpha.mrc and omega.mrc to both have a menu for a @window? If only one of the two scripts is loaded, that @window will show the right-click menu for that loaded script, but is there a way so that if both scripts are loaded, that only the highest loaded script's menu would appear in the rightclick menu. i.e. if both scripts had this menu in them:

menu @test {
test $scriptname :halt

and you want the right click menu to only have the test line showing for the topmost script, not for both of them?

There are a couple ways this could be accomplished.

Each relies on deciding if the current script is the topmost loaded:

alias -l showmenu {
  var %competing = FULL_FILE_PATH
  if ($script(%competing) == $null) return 1
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= $script(0)) {
    if ($script(%i) == $script) { return 1 }
    if ($script(%i) == %competing) { return 0 }
    inc %i

The first way to display the menu involves a conditional in the menu event, it is evaluated each time you call for the menu:

menu @window {
  .item:echo item

The second is to use groups, and decide which menu to show when either script is loaded:

#group1 on
menu @window {
  .item:echo item
#group1 end

on *:load:{
  if ($showmenu) {
    enable #group1
    disable #group2
  else {
    disable #group1
    enable #group2
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