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Posted By: eawedat Socket's BOT - 18/11/11 03:55 PM
hey all
I have this code below:-

alias bot {
  if ($1- == $null) {
    echo -a Syntax: /bot <server>
  else {
    set %server $1-
    sockopen bot %server 6667
    Echo -a Attempting connection: %server

on 1:sockopen:bot:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) {
    sockclose $sockname
    echo -a No good, reconnecting bot!
  else {
    sockwrite -n $sockname nick SocketBot
    sockwrite -n $sockname user SocketBot . . . SocketBot

on 1:sockread:bot:{
  sockread %bot
  echo -a %bot
  ;sockwrite -n $sockname IDENT SocketBot
  if ($gettok(%bot,4,32) == :join) && ($gettok(%bot,5,32) != $null) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname join $gettok(%bot,5,32)
  if ($gettok(%bot,1,32) == PING) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname pong $gettok(%bot,2,32)

I get this result when trying to connect the bot to locahost ""

Attempting connection:
:x NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
:x NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname (cached)
:x NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident...
PING :7C6A3F57
:x 465 SocketBot :*** You are not welcome on this server (Identd is required for this server.) Email x for more information.
ERROR :Closing Link: SocketBot[localhost] (You are banned)

so I added this command to send ident of bot to the server:
sockwrite -n $sockname IDENT SocketBot

on sockread , but when I uncomment it , I get this message from the server:-

Attempting connection:
:x NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
:x NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname (cached)
:x NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident...
PING :23065298
:x 451 IDENT :You have not registered
:x 451 IDENT :You have not registered
:x 451 IDENT :You have not registered
:x 451 IDENT :You have not registered
:x 465 SocketBot :*** You are not welcome on this server (Identd is required for this server.) Email x for more information.
ERROR :Closing Link: SocketBot[localhost] (You are banned)

help please..
thanks a lot.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Socket's BOT - 18/11/11 05:25 PM
This should explain what you need to do and what exactly has to be sent:

Posted By: eawedat Re: Socket's BOT - 18/11/11 05:34 PM
Riamus2 yeah I already seen that article I already put the code:

  tokenize 32 %_sb
  var %_ntoks = $numtok($1-,44)
  if (%_ntoks == 2 && $1,$3 isnum) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname $3 , $1 : USERID : UNIX : SocketBot

inside the second version "which I already posted" but still not working!

the website/bot you posted to me is working 100% , but I am stuck to know what makes the second version does not work, so in that way I could get the sockets understood!

Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Socket's BOT - 18/11/11 08:47 PM
I don't see any socklisten in yours.
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