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Hello Gentlemen.

Riamus, If you are the Riamus who scripted bibleviewer. I really need your help and possibly the help of others here to make a modification if its possible... and only with your permission.

Its the bibleviewer search function that is reeking havoc on our channel.

I am here to ask graciously for help to improve it. Here is what I posted to you Riamus on your script site.



been awhile since Ive seen you on your site here.

I've bumped into an issue with the bibleviewer. It's the search function that needs to be modified. When doing a search on !bible Jesus, it floods our channel with a thousand responses. We've had to mute (myself) by other ops to stop it from flooding.

Our channel owner did modify one by removing the search function completely but I do not think that is a perfect solution to the flooding issue. What we really need, and Jesusfreak can attest to this, is the ability to do a book specific, or OT, NT specific search.. have a delay in every 5-10 responses ( to stop the flood), and have it output the search by notice to the $$1 nick who input the request.

something like , !bible <book> <wordsearch>
or !bible <OT|NT|BK|> <wordsearch>


If you would like to come talk to our channel founder.. where I am a moderator. We are on irc.fyrechat.net in channel #ChristianChat. The founder is ~jerusalem

Most of our hundreds of guests access that channel via LightIRC applet on the site. but we desperately need a modified version of bible viewer.

God bless you. I hope you can help. You already know the script I speak of. ( bibleviewer )

You already know that I have a forum for my scripts if you have problems. It will be fixed.
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