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Posted By: firefox RSS Script and Hash tables - 05/01/11 11:27 AM
I have the following script:

;RSS Routines by Ford_Lawnmower
;Just a few aliases I put together to bring RSS Pages to a channel
;Syntax is /RSS.Feed RSS-Name-One-Word http://RSS.Feed.Page.Address #ChannelNames,#Separated,#By,#commas,#Only Delay-in-Seconds
;Type /RSS.help for help. /RSS.Status to see all your Feeds. /RSS.kill to Stop a Feed in All channels.
;To Edit a feed, just re-type the original /RSS.Feed command with the changes and it will overwrite the old one.
;Questions, Comments. You can find me on WyldRyde #Script-Help, Mindforge #Technical, Abjects #Technical
alias RSS.timeout {
  ;if (%RSS.chan != echo) { .msg %RSS.chan Connection was timed out... We could not find your site... :( }
  ;if (%RSS.chan == echo) { echo -a Connection was timed out... We could not find your site... :( }
alias RSS.clear {
  unset %RSS*
  ;unset all of the variables you use in the scrip here. Unless you need them to stay set
  sockclose RSS
  .timer-RSS off
alias RSS.help {
  echo -a  $+ $chr(7) To start a RSS Feed type /RSS.Feed FeedName-Must-Be-One-String http://rss.address.here #channelnames,#separate,#with,#comma,#only SearchDelay
  echo -a  $+ $chr(7) Ex. /RSS.Feed CNN-Top-Stories http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_topstories.rss #USA,#Technical 1000
  echo -a  $+ $chr(7) **Note that The FeedName must be one string and the channels are separated by only a comma - No Space!. Also the delay defaults to 1200 and cannot be lower than 120 seconds.
  echo -a  $+ $chr(7) Type /RSS.Status to see the status of all your feeds. /RSS.kill to end a feed.
alias RSS.kill {
  if (!$timer($1)) { echo -at That RSS feed does not exist to me ;/ Type RSS.Status to see a list of Feeds }
  if ($timer($1)) { .timer $+ $1 off | echo -at RSS feed $1 ended }
alias RSS.Status {
  var %timer.num = $timer(0)
  while (%timer.num) {
    if ($left($timer(%timer.num),3) == rss) { echo -at 07 $timer(%timer.num) = 04 $timer(%timer.num).com 06type09 /rss.kill $timer(%timer.num) 07to end this RSS Feed }
    dec %timer.num
alias RSS.Feed {
  RSS $1 $2 $remove($3,$chr(32))
  if ($4) && ($4 >= 120) { .timerRSS $+ $2 -o 1 $4 RSS.Feed $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (!$4) || ($4 < 120) { .timerRSS $+ $2 -o 1 1200 RSS.Feed $1 $2 $3 }
alias RSS {
  ;if (%RSS.inuse == 1) { echo -a RSS in use. To reset the script type /RSS.clear | return error1 | halt }
  set %RSS.inuse 1
  set %RSS.nick $me
  set %RSS.chan ECHO
  set %RSS.chans $3
  set %RSS.name $1
  sockclose RSS
  set %RSSsite $gettok($remove($2,http://),1,47)
  set %RSSurl $remove($2,http://,%RSSsite)
  if (!$hget(%RSSsite)) { hmake %RSSsite 10 }
  set %RSS.Count 1
  set %RSS.Max 4
  sockopen RSS %RSSsite 80
  .timer-RSS 1 20 RSS.timeout
on *:sockopen:RSS: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %RSSurl HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %RSSsite $+ $CRLF $+ $CRLF
;this is triggered when above forces information into the buffer.
on *:sockread:RSS: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) { .msg %RSS.chan There has been an error... >Sock Error< |  RSS.clear }
  else {
    var %RSSvar |  sockread %RSSvar
    ;the echo line below is for testing.. Don't forget to comment it out as soon as the script is working
    ;if (%RSSvar) echo -at %RSSvar
    if (<entry> isin %RSSvar) { set %RSS.Start on }
    if (</entry> isin %RSSvar) || (</item> isin %RSSvar) {
      set %RSS.Dup Off
      if ($hfind(%RSSsite,$right($remove(%RSS.title,$chr(32)),70))) { set %RSS.Dup ON }
      if (%RSS.Dup == Off) && (%RSS.Count <= %RSS.Max) { 
        set %RSS.Output 1
        while $gettok(%RSS.Chans,%RSS.Output,44) {
          if ($gettok(%RSS.Chans,%RSS.Output,44) ischan) { 
            .msg $gettok(%RSS.Chans,%RSS.Output,44) 04 $+ %RSS.Name 07 $+ $remove(%RSS.Title,&amp;) 06 $+ $replace($nospace(%RSS.Link),$chr(32),$chr(37) $+ 20)
          inc %RSS.Output
        inc %RSS.Count
        echo -a $replace(%RSS.Link,$chr(32),$chr(37) $+ 20) 
      hadd %RSSsite $right($remove(%RSS.title,$chr(32)),70) %RSS.Link $+ $chr(7) $+ %RSS.Title $+ $chr(7) $+ %RSS.Date $+ $chr(7)
    if (<title> isin %RSSvar) {
      set %RSS.Title $gettok($replace(%RSSvar,<title>,$chr(7),</title>,$chr(7)),2,7)
    if ($left(%RSSvar,7) == <title>) {
      set %RSS.Title $remove(%RSSvar,<title>,</title>)
    if (<link href=" isin %RSSvar) {
      set %RSS.Link $nospace($remove(%RSSvar,<link href="," />))
    if (<link> isin %RSSvar) {
      set %RSS.Link $gettok($replace(%RSSvar,<link>,$chr(7),</link>,$chr(7)),2,7)
    if ($left(%RSSvar,6) == <link>) {
      set %RSS.Link $remove(%RSSvar,<link>,</link>)
    if  (<updated> isin %RSSvar) {
      set %RSS.Date $gettok($replace(%RSSvar,<updated>,$chr(7),</updated>,$chr(7)),2,7)
    if ($left(%RSSvar,9) == <updated>) {
      set %RSS.Date $remove(%RSSvar,<updated>,</updated>)
    if (<pubdate> isin %RSSvar) {
      set %RSS.Date $gettok($replace(%RSSvar,<pubdate>,$chr(7),</pubdate>,$chr(7)),2,7)
    if ($left(%RSSvar,9) == <pubdate>) {
      set %RSS.Date $remove(%RSSvar,<pubdate>,</pubdate>)
    if (</feed> isin %RSSvar) || (</rss> isin %RSSvar) || (</channel> isin %RSSvar) { RSS.Clear }
    if (yes isin no) || (on isin off) {
      .msg %RSS.chan 4,1 $httpstrip(%RSSvar)
      sockread %RSSvar
alias -l flink {
  var %find.link = $1-,%found.link
  while ($left(%find.link,4) != http) && ($len(%find.link) > 8) {
    %found.link = $right(%find.link,$calc($len(%find.link) - 1))
  return %found.link
alias -l nospace {
  var %space.check = $1-
  while ($left(%space.check,1) == $chr(32)) { %space.check = $right(%space.check,$calc($len(%space.check) - 1)) }
  while ($right(%space.check,1) == $chr(32)) { %space.check = $left(%space.check,$calc($len(%space.check) -1)) }
  return %space.check 
alias -l httpstrip {
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;)
  return %x

The line that avoids dupe announces seems to be:
      if ($hfind(%RSSsite,$right($remove(%RSS.title,$chr(32)),70))) { set %RSS.Dup ON }
- however I have a rss feed where the title of different entries is the same but the rss url is different so how would I make this line work with %RSS.Link instead of %RSS.title ?

I'm not very familiar with hash tables - I tried looking at the help file and doing /hsave to see what it looked like but got an error:

/hsave %RSSsite rss.txt

* /hsave: no such table '%RSSsite'
Posted By: RusselB Re: RSS Script and Hash tables - 06/01/11 12:41 AM
I'll take a better look at this when my system with the big screen is available, as the code is too wide for this screen.

That aside, the reason your /hsave didn't work, is because the script uses a variable name to store the hash table name, and using /hsave will try to use %RSSSite as the table name, rather than the value of %RSSSite. Using
//hsave %RSSSite rss.txt
should work, as that will evaluate the variable name to the name of the hash table being used.

Posted By: firefox Re: RSS Script and Hash tables - 07/01/11 03:50 PM
Thanks RusselB

That didn't work but I know why - it unsets rss* variables

but by looking at: set %RSSsite $gettok($remove($2,http://),1,47)

I figured out the name of the hashtable (name of website)

and was able to save the table to a text file

I tried to see what the values of $right($remove(%RSS.title,$chr(32)),70) from: if ($hfind(%RSSsite,$right($remove(%RSS.title,$chr(32)),70))) { set %RSS.Dup ON }

were in order to try and figure out what the equivalent with %RSS.Link would be - but I was expecting just title but it also echo'ed some other stuff from the rss feed so I'm stumped again frown
Posted By: firefox Re: RSS Script and Hash tables - 22/01/11 05:39 PM
bump? confused
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