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Posted By: N3M3S1S $input question - 23/09/10 12:04 AM
Is there way the make the $input dialogs appear on the desktop?

For example with I script I am finishing up, when called, the dialog appears on the desktop (/dialog -dm). Now whenever I use $input for a yes/no/ok/etc. input, it takes the focus off the dialog and makes mIRC the active window and it appears there in mIRC. (Meaning it minimizes the desktop dialog)

What I'm asking; Is there a way to make it appear without taking the focus off the desktop dialog?

Below is a example script I made to show you what I mean. Place it in your remotes and use /test then when the dialog comes up click the "TEST THIS" button.

alias test { dialog -dm test test }
dialog test {
  size -1 -1 150 100
  title TEST
  button "TEST THIS"1, 5 5 80 23

on *:DIALOG:test:sclick:1: {
  %test = $input(This is a test dialog. Close?,yh,TEST)
  if (%test == $true) { dialog -x test }

In the help file it says using "a" makes it work with the active dialog so

alias test { dialog -dm test test }
dialog test {
  size -1 -1 150 100
  title TEST
  button "TEST THIS"1, 5 5 80 23

on *:DIALOG:test:sclick:1: {
  %test = $input(This is a test dialog. Close?,yha,TEST)
  if (%test == $true) { dialog -x test }

Now when I used the second one, it still did the same thing as without the "a".


EDIT: I've also been looking into what it would take to make a custom command that works similiar to $input but it makes the input dialog appear on top of the desktop dialog, without taking focus off of it.
Posted By: Wims Re: $input question - 23/09/10 12:29 AM
Try the 'u' parameter
Posted By: N3M3S1S Re: $input question - 23/09/10 12:33 AM
Thanks it works


I though of using that but thought it only worked with an actual window instead of a dialog.

Thanks a lot laugh
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