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I Use This Script Now :
on !10:TEXT:*:?: {
var %i = 1
while $comchan($nick,%i) {
if ($1 == op) && ($2 == $readini(script/userlist.ini,users,
$address($nick,1)) ) && (!$3) {
.mode $comchan($nick,%i) +o $nick | halt
inc %i
; But It Just Op The Nick In The First Channel ;:( , someone that can help me? confused
Mirc has a built in Auto Op to read more about it type /help Auto-Op List
for one your halting the script right after your op command
I also have a problem with autovoice, but I don`t wanna open another avoice-thread

The addresses on my autovoice-list will be not saved! So I
must add them again and again on each startup. I`m also
using masktype 11, but what`s the problem and how can I
save them to my autovoice-list?

Thanks again guys!
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