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Posted By: Thrull Possible to get input from a game contoller? - 28/08/09 09:55 AM

I just had some crazy ideas with stuff I could do if I could find a way for mirc to recognize when I press a button on my Xbox controller.

However, as far as I can tell, there is nothing that allows me to tell mirc to look for such things.

1.) Did I miss something native to mirc that would allow this?

2.) Is there a DLL somewhere that would allow this? (I check google, but I couldn't find anything.)
1) no.

2) maybe. If you trust your googling skills then no, otherwise there might be something lying around somewhere.
There is a driver that allows the 360 controller to work with a PC, but only for a wired controller.

You would then need to write something that interacts with the controller. Sorry to be so vague but I really don't know much about the programming involved with communicating with hardware.
Yeah, I got downloaded the drivers from microsoft that makes it work on a PC. I'm not sure how to go about writing a DLL myself, so I was hoping to be lazy about it. smile
I would also recommend a copy of "The C Programming Language" by K&R.
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