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Hi i am trying to find a script "that actualy works" that can display info about my Shoutcast stream. I have seen MANY in action in channels all across IRC and i cant find a single one that seems to work for me. I have at least 5 of them i been working with and cant get 4 of them to do a damn thing and the 5th one says scoket closed....lol with the spelling error and all wink

So i am back here asking the real pros...What can you do to help me get this working? Anyone have just a basic shoutcast socket script that we can all work on or maybe you know of one that already works and is nice ?? Please help

Here is the script i was trying most recent that was saying closed socket...
I am a little unclear on what to edit in these lines

  if ($1 = user) { return ***** }
I did it like
    if ($1 = user) { return Username }

Hope thats right


; Modify User/Pass/Host/Port then use
; "/cshout" to connect and fill hash table
; YOU WILL GET * Line too long: $+ ERRORS!
; what can i say, im lazy and mIRC SUX!
alias ShoutData { 
  if ($isid) {
    if ($1 = user) { return ***** }
    if ($1 = pass) { return ***** }
    if ($1 = host) { return ***** }
    if ($1 = port) { return ***** }
; $ShoutInfo(<data>) Improper use of this
; alias will return all possible choices
; Just look at the Accept in ShoutData
alias ShoutInfo {
  if ($istok($shoutdata(accept),$1,59)) { return $hget(ShoutInfo,$1) }
  else { return *** Improper Usage: use one of the following: $shoutdata(accept) }
alias SShout { sockwrite -n $1- }
alias CShout { hfree -w ShoutInfo | sockopen ShoutCast $ShoutData(host) $ShoutData(port) }
on *:sockclose:ShoutCast: { 
  echo -a Closed Scoket?
on *:sockopen:ShoutCast: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) { sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    SShout $sockname GET /admin.cgi?mode=viewxml HTTP/1.1
    SShout $sockname Authorization: Basic $encode($+($ShoutData(user),:,$ShoutData(pass)),m)
    SShout $sockname Referer: $+(http://,$ShoutData(host),:,$ShoutData(port))
    SShout $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    SShout $sockname Host: $+($ShoutData(host),:,$ShoutData(port))
    SShout $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive $+ $str($crlf,2)
on *:sockread:ShoutCast: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  :nextread | sockread -f %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  var %match = $regsub(%temp,/^HTTP\/1\.0 200 OK/g,$null,%temp)
  var %match = $regsub(%temp,/^Content\-Type\:text\/xml/g,$null,%temp)
  var %MaxLen = 900 | dec %MaxLen $len(%BackBuffer)
  var %Srch = $+(%BackBuffer,$mid(%temp,1,%MaxLen))
  inc %MaxLen | var %BackBuffer = $mid(%temp,%MaxLen)
  var %match = $regex(ShoutData,%Srch,/<(\w+?)>(.*?)<\/\1?>/msg)
  var %x = 0 , %y = 1 | while (%x < %match) { inc %x
    if ($istok($shoutdata(accept),$regml(ShoutData,%y),59)) { hadd -m ShoutInfo $regml(ShoutData,%y) $regml(ShoutData,$calc(%y + 1)) }
    inc %y 2
  %match = $regsub(%temp,/<(\w+?)>.*?<\/\1?>/g,$null,%temp)
  if (%temp) { 
    var %match = $regsub(%temp,/<\?[^>]>/g,$null,%temp)
    var %match = $regsub(%temp,/<\![^>]>/g,$null,%temp)
    %BackBuffer = $+(%BackBuffer,%temp)
  goto nextread

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