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I'm quite sure there is no efficient way to do this, however i thought id ask incase there was some trick that could be used, other then using a generic timer to execute a secondary script.

I have a script which at one point runs the command prompt to do something

 run RandomProgram.exe >randomtext.txt 

As im aware theres only two different methods (neither which i like particularly) to ensure that randomtext.txt doesnt get processed until the command has been completed.

The first is to use a timer, and have the rest of the script in there, the next is to have an ok $input - and ask them to click ok once its done.

I was wondering if there was perhaps some other clever way of doing it.
alias wrun {
  var %obj = wrun $+ $ticks
  .comopen %obj wscript.shell
  .comclose %obj $com(%obj,run,3,bstr,$1-)

wrun RandomProgram.exe >randomtext.txt

Sorry for the delay ive been quite busy and this totally got out of my mind.

I tried using the code you gave, however it didnt work, so perhaps ive misunderstood how to use it, or i didnt explain exactly what i meant.

Take for example the following script:

alias examplescript {
run RandomProgram.exe >randomtext.txt
msg $chan Back Up Complete!

Now the purpose of this script is to msg the channel once the command has been fully exectued. The actual program may take 5mins to finish. However, mirc script doesnt pause, so as soon as the program is executed, at the same instant, the msg is sent. What i was looking for was for randomprogram.exe to finish executing, then for the msg to be sent.

Now using your code, i tried just replacing run with wrun:

alias examplescript {
wrun RandomProgram.exe >randomtext.txt
msg $chan Back Up Complete!

However, the same result occured, with the next line of coding being processed right away.

You'll likely need a DLL to do this effectively. Try: http://kthx.net/clb/exec
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