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Posted By: Dracoz TCL script - 12/02/09 02:51 AM

I was wondering does one of you guys know how to script TCL scripts for eggdrop ?

i got something in my remote wat i want to use for my eggdrop bot...

on *:JOIN:#corleone {
  %host = $address($nick,2)
  %invite = invite2.txt
  %check = $read(%invite, w, %host)
  if ($nick ison #hidden.corleone) && (%check != $null) { 
    .mode #corleone +v $nick
    .notice $nick 10Welkom terug! 12[11 $nick 12] 10je zit al op het members kanaal :)
  if ($nick !ison #hidden.corleone) && (%check != $null) {
    .mode #corleone +v $nick
    .invite $nick #hidden.corleone
    .notice $nick 10Welkom terug! 12[11 $nick 12] 15.:3Automatische invite geslaagd!15:.
  if (%check == $null) {
    .notice Dracoz Iemand zonder acces joinde #corleone.

on *:text:!invite*:#corleone: {
  %host = $address($nick,2)
  %invite = invite2.txt
  %check = $read(%invite, w, %host)
  if (%check != $null) && ($nick !ison #hidden.corleone) {
    .invite $nick #hidden.corleone
    .msg $chan 11 $nick 10invite 3Geslaagd10 voor het members kanaal van Corleone!  
  if (%check == $null) {
    .msg $chan 11 $nick 10invite 4Mislukt10 voor het members kanaal van Corleone!    
  if ($nick ison #hidden.corleone) {
    .msg $chan  4 $nick 0Je bent al op het members kanaal! {

on *:text:!allow*:#corleone: {
  %host = $address($2,2)
  %invite = invite2.txt
  %check = $read(%invite, w, %host) 
  if (%check == $null) && (*!*@ !isin $2) && ($nick isop $chan) && ($2 ison $chan) {
    /mode #Corleone +v $2
    .write invite2.txt %host
    .notice $2   4Je staat nu in het systeem, Typ !invite om in het members kanaal te komen
    .msg $chan   4 Gelukt!  0 $2 staat nu in het memberslijst!
  if (%check2 == $null) && (*!*@ isin $2) && ($nick isop $chan) {
    write invite2.txt $2
    .msg $chan   4 $2  0staan nu in het invite-systeem!
  if ($nick !isop $chan) { 
    .msg $chan   4Je bent geen @ Operator! :P
  elseif (%check != $null) {
    .msg $chan   4 $2  0Staat al in het invite-systeem!
  elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
    .msg $chan   4 $2 0is niet op dit kanaal!

on *:text:!del*:#corleone,#hidden.corleone: {
  %host = $address($2,2)
  %invite = invite2.txt
  %check = $read(%invite, w, %host)
  if (%check != $null) && (*!*@ !isin $2) && ($nick isop $chan) && ($2 ison $chan) {
    .write -ds $+ %host invite2.txt 
    /mode #corleone -v $2
    .msg $chan  4 $2   0Is nu verwijderd uit het invite-systeem!
  if ($2 ison #hidden.corleone) && ($nick isop $chan) {
    /mode #hidden.corleone +b %host
    /mode #corleone -v $2
    /kick #hidden.corleone $2 15[14Temp.Ban15] 12( 4Je toegang hier is verwijderd! 12)
    /timer1 1 30 /mode $chan -b %host
  if (%check == $null) && (*!*@ isin $2) && ($nick isop $chan) {
    .write -ds $+ $2 invite2.txt 
    .msg $chan   4 $2 0Is nu 9verwijderd 12 uit het invite-systeem!
  elseif ($nick !isop $chan) { 
    .msg $chan   4Je bent  0geen  12@ Operator! 
  elseif (%check == $null) {
    .msg $chan   4 $2  0Staat niet in het invite-systeem!
  elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
    .msg $chan   4 $2 0Is niet op dit kanaal!

on *:TEXT:!reset*:#corleone,#hidden.corleone: {
  if ($address == Dracoz@Dracoz.users.omerta) && ( $2 == $null ) {
    /msg #hidden.corleone    10het invite-systeem is nu ge-reset!
    /msg #corleone   10Het invite-systeem is nu ge-reset!
    /remove invite2.txt 
on *:TEXT:!nick*:#: {
  if ($address == Dracoz@Dracoz.users.omerta) {
    /nick $2
Posted By: RusselB Re: TCL script - 12/02/09 03:03 AM
It was my understanding that this forum was for mIRC scripts.
That being said, along with the fact that I know nothing about TCL, I will refer you to the TCL Scripting section of Hawkee, as you might get better/faster help there.
Posted By: Dracoz Re: TCL script - 12/02/09 03:44 AM
Hmmm yeah i know this is for Mirc but i was wondering if anybody knows TCL here...

I will try there..

Sorry !
Posted By: RusselB Re: TCL script - 12/02/09 06:27 AM
No need to be sorry. There may be people here that know TCL and can/will help.
I just thought I'd give you a reference to a TCL scripting forum, since I knew it existed, and didn't know if you were aware of it's existence.
Posted By: Dracoz Re: TCL script - 12/02/09 06:47 AM
Ok, Yeah i really hope that here are some people that know some TCL because i know mirc scripting but TCL not realy :P

I didnt know that hawkee had a TCL section indeed thanks wink
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