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Posted By: sparta DCC question - 10/11/08 10:24 PM
I have this code:
on *:CHAT:*: {
  if ($level($address($nick,3)) != DCC) && ($readini($qt(scripts\ini\settings.ini),dcc,onoff) == 1) {
    if ($remove($address($nick,2),*!*@) == $gettok($read(scripts\eggdrop\eggis.dat,w,$+(*,$nick,*),$readn),2,44)) {
      .auser dcc $address($nick,3)
      .timer -m 1 400 .msg =$nick $gettok($read(scripts\eggdrop\eggis.dat,w,$+(*,$nick,*),$readn),3,44))

And it working fine until i DCC the bot a second time (I know, why dcc one more time, but it happens from time to time when you as me have connections with 6+ bots all the time.), then when i close the DCC chat the script sends the timed message, it shouldn't do that, how can i solve this? The script match if

1: the level of the user aren't level DCC (and the bot are, so script should halt there, but don't do so.)

2: it check if it should send the password to the bot (($readini($qt(scripts\ini\settings.ini),dcc,onoff) == 1))

3: it match the address against the address added in the eggis.dat file, but i need to remove *!*@ to do so, so i done that.

It adding the bot to the user DCC. (it's added as DCC, but still it doesn't halt the script.) when i check the user lvl a bow, last it reads from the eggis.dat and send the password. Hope i explained it enough so you understand how it work's.
Posted By: vexed2 Re: DCC question - 11/11/08 04:14 PM
on ^*:CHAT:*:{ and haltdef
Posted By: sparta Re: DCC question - 11/11/08 09:39 PM
not that i looking for..
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