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Posted By: dassa parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 01:03 PM
What is the most efficient way of getting just a number from a string. For example this123.4,5is67a8string.9 i would like to get 123456789 out of the above string. It should remove all other chars but the numbers.
I know there are other ways of doing this but its a regex am after.

Thanks kindly
Posted By: qwerty Re: parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 01:56 PM
Try this
//var %string = this123.4,5is67a8string.9 | echo -ag $regsubex(%string,/\D+/g,)
Posted By: Typos Re: parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 01:57 PM
Put the string of text into a variable or tokenize it since it has commas in it and then run it through $regsub or $regsubex.

I am just learning regex so somthing this simple is right up my lane. lol
Enter the following line in mirc.
//tokenize 32 this123.4,5is67a8s@tr-ing.9,7y4h4,87,e7&64t.48r.647e,8ur5.,76y.t56f,4t,fy4f5r,f4.y5.f4y5,f4y.ef4ye4f | noop $regsub($1,/[a-z]/ig,,%tmptxt) | echo -a %tmptxt

What it does is uses $regsub and basically tells it to subsitute all letters with nothing.

If your wondering, the "ig" after the "/" at the end of the regex tell it that the regex is not case sensative and is greedy.

This seemed to work fine for me.

Hope it helps.

*Edit* I just noticed qwertys post that he was making at the same time I was making mine. Obviously his is a better regex but they both actually work the same. He just did it right and I did it a little silly.
Posted By: starbucks_mafia Re: parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 02:21 PM
Yours only removes letters, leaving any other non-number characters in the text.

Also when using $regsub() you should generally declare the receiving variable (%tmptxt in this case) as local with var beforehand, otherwise you leave a global variable behind.
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 02:27 PM
Did you try your regex example? It doesn't do what the OP asked for. He wants only the numbers 0-9 extracted from his string. Yours removes a-z, but leaves anything that isn't a-z, which includes commas, periods, and all other punctuation and non-printing characters. qwerty's regex uses the built-in \D which is equivalent to [^0-9] (match anything that isn't (^) a number (0-9) ).

(Also, the g means global. In that the regex searches repeatedly, starting at the end of the last match, trying to find as many matches as possible before the end of the string.)

Posted By: Solo1 Re: parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 02:52 PM
Hi i was looking for something similar but removes just chars a-z is there a good short way of doing this
Posted By: Mpdreamz Re: parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 07:51 PM
//var %string = this123.4,5is67Aa8string.9 | echo -ag $regsubex(%string,/[a-z]/g,)

Do note that this doesn't remove upercase letters, which you didn't explicitly asked for i know.

//var %string = this123.4,5is67Aa8string.9 | echo -ag $regsubex(%string,/[a-z]/gi,)

This will, in case you do need it to remove A-Z as well.
Posted By: Solo1 Re: parsing a string )regex) - 29/07/08 08:25 PM
Thank you. Works perfectly and i needed both examples.
Posted By: Typos Re: parsing a string )regex) - 30/07/08 10:00 AM
Yeah, I totally misunderstoond the OP. It's like I didnt even read it.

For some reason when I was making that string I provided I thought he wanted just the letters pulled but reading the post thats obviously not the case.

I have no idea what I was thinking tbh.

As far as the /g meaning global, thats news to me, I just thought it meant greedy because I was told so by:
There are several options or tags that can be used in regex, including case insensitivity and ignoring mirc colour codes.
/i at the end of an expression will make that expression case INsensitive, as opposede to the default which is case sensitive
/S at the end of an expression will ignore mIRC formatting codes in the expression.
/g makes the entire expression greedy. By default a regex expression in mirc will stop looking as soon as it matches something (and as such will only ever return 1 match, not very usefull alot of the time). Using the /g tag forces the expression to keep looking until its checked the entire string

from one of the many regex tutorials I use which is at http://forum.swiftirc.net/viewtopic.php?t=1250
and besides, the definition of greedy being exactly what it does and the fact that greedy is such a commonly used word in regex make it a great canidate for what the /g could have meant.

If your sure it doesnt mean greedy tho I'll take your word for it because you surely would know befoe I would because I'm just learning regex.

Anyhow, I'm going to definately be more careful when posting messages when I'm as tired as I was lastnight when I posted my previous message.

Posted By: dassa Re: parsing a string )regex) - 30/07/08 03:03 PM
Hi people
Thanks for all your replies. One final query, is there a way of getting just the chars a-z out of a string removing all none a-z characters?

Posted By: Mpdreamz Re: parsing a string )regex) - 30/07/08 09:41 PM
The answer is but a char away smile

//var %string = this123.4,5is67Aa8string.9 | echo -ag $regsubex(%string,/[^a-z]/g,)
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