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Posted By: eendje Voice counting - 15/04/03 06:39 PM
Hi, I Mainly use quakenet, And i got a little script to voice
on *:JOIN:#:/mode $chan +v $nick
It works fine:0
But now, I want everytime i Voice some1, say, There you go $nick You are number (number) I voiced, and with everyvoice i give that nuimber has to go 1 up:)
, Probaly u are now gonne say, that I only use this to get easy scripts, but i'm not, I'm willingly to learn it, but can't find any manual;) so i;m learning it by the little scripts you give me here:)
Anyway, thank you, And i hope you have the answer:)
Posted By: aeternus Re: Voice counting - 15/04/03 06:42 PM
on @*:join:#chan:{
inc %voiced
mode $chan +v $nick
msg $chan you are the %voiced person voiced

Posted By: eendje Re: Voice counting - 15/04/03 06:44 PM
thanks:) but...
on @*:join:#chan:{
inc %voiced
mode $chan +v $nick
msg $chan you are the %voiced person voiced

inc %voiced ? what does it means? (this way i learn sumfin;))
Posted By: Collective Re: Voice counting - 15/04/03 06:50 PM
It means increase the %voiced variable by 1.

/help /inc
Posted By: laz Re: Voice counting - 15/04/03 06:54 PM
Inc increases the value of the given variable by 1, unless a number number is entered.


/set %test 24
%test now has a value of 24
inc %test
%test now has a value of 25

You can also set how much you want to increase:

/set %test 30
/inc %test 5
%test is now 35

I hope you kinda understand, maybe some one else can explain it better smile


Bah, collective beat me to it smile
Posted By: Jesper Re: Voice counting - 16/04/03 01:55 PM
here is another, I think this is alot better since I dont like %var's

on 1:JOIN:#:{
  if ($me isop #) {
    if (%Voice.Count == $null) { inc %Voice.Count 1 | mode # +v $nick }
    if (%Voice.Count < 5) { inc %Voice.Count 1 | mode # +v $nick }
    set -u5 %Voice.Count %Voice.Count

This section is just the script that autovoices users on join, the %var is a flood protection so you dont flood off when massive netsplits occurs (when the resynchs)
If you dont use this kind of protection, you will flood off, the script basically on voice 5 users on mass joins, then it stops.

On *:voice:#:{
  if ($nick == $me) {  
    var %voiced $readini(voice.ini,voices,voiced)
    if (%voiced == $null) { writeini voice.ini voices voiced 1 }
    if (%voiced != $null) { inc %voiced 1 }
    if (%voiced > $readini(voice.ini,voices,voiced)) { writeini voice.ini voices voiced %voiced }
  var %allvoiced $readini(voice.ini,voices,allvoiced)
  if (%allvoiced == $null) { writeini voice.ini voices allvoiced 1 }
  if (%allvoiced != $null) { inc %allvoiced 1 }
  if (%allvoiced > $readini(voice.ini,voices,allvoiced)) { writeini voice.ini voices allvoiced %allvoiced }

This part counts all the voices made in channels, and writes them to a file, so incase your mirc is closed inproperly, the latest count is saved (mirc doesnt write %variables on the fly, only on proper exit/quit)
What it does is basically, it sets a temp %var from the data it reads $mircdir\voice.ini, and then adds the new voice tho the %var, then it writes the new count back to the file.
You can ofcuz change it to only watch 1 channel, add -v+o-o+b-b and kicks too. and you can move the file from $mircdir and name it what you want.

alias voicereset {
  writeini voice.ini voices voicedate $$?="Enter The Date"
  writeini voice.ini voices voiced 0
  writeini voice.ini voices allvoiced 0
  echo -a  $+ $color(own) -x 2,15 Counter Successfully Reset 

This is just to initilize the script/reset the counts and date.

alias voiced {
  if $readini(voice.ini,voices,voicedate) == $null {
    echo -a  $+ $color(own) -x 2,15 Script Halted, You havent set any date. 
    echo -a  $+ $color(own) -x 2,15 Starting voice script setup. 
    echo -a  $+ $color(own) -x 2,15 After setup run the script again. 
    .timer 1 3 voicereset
  else say  I have Voiced: $readini(voice.ini,voices,voiced)  of  $readini(voice.ini,voices,allvoiced) 

usage /voiced :tongue:

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