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Is there a way I could return the number of INI files in the specified directory, but only the ones that have the specified text inside them?

This returns the total number of files in the /ini/ directory, but how do I include some matchtext and make the script only return the number of files that contain the matchtext?
yes you can...

You need only to substitute the * for the correct match text.


good luck
Originally Posted By: Miguel_A
yes you can...

You need only to substitute the * for the correct match text.


good luck

No, that only returns the number of files with the name "*irc*.ini". What I'm asking is, how do you search inside the INI files for the matchtext, and if it matches, return the number of INI files that contain that matchtext.
You would have to loop through $findfile() and then use $ini() or $readini() depending on whether the text you're searching for is a section name, item name, or item value.
Originally Posted By: starbucks_mafia
You would have to loop through $findfile() and then use $ini() or $readini() depending on whether the text you're searching for is a section name, item name, or item value.

Could you give me an example? I'm the worst with loops :P
Actually $findfile() has an internal loop mechanism available, so you can use that. For example:

alias count_ini_matches {
  var %dir = $1
  set -u %ini_matches_count 0
  noop $findfile(%dir, *.ini, 0, 0, checkini $1-)
  return %ini_matches_count

alias checkini {
  ; $1- holds the filename to check
    inc %ini_matches_count

You'd use $count_ini_matches(dirname) to get the count of matching INI files in that directory The /checkini alias is called once for each INI file in the directory with the filename as $1-. I still don't know what you're checking for so I couldn't fill in that bit but you just need to fill in the if condition.
Ok, not sure what to put for the IF statement. I would imagine I'd use $ini, but not sure how I would use that correctly.

alias checkini {
; $1- holds the filename to check
if ($ini(*.ini,help) == 1) {
inc %ini_matches_count

Basically this looks for any INI file that contains the item "help=1", but I don't know what to put for *.ini...
Like the comment in the code says, $1- will contain the the INI filename each time it's called. You won't be able to search for help=1 using $ini() though, to do that you'd use $readini() but you need to specify a section. INI files are in the format:



So, what section is the help=1 supposed to be in within the INI file? Or can it be in any section within each file?

Assuming there is a specific section then use this:

alias checkini {
  ; $1- holds the filename to check
  if ($readini($1-, SECTION HERE, help) == 1) {
    inc %ini_matches_count

Just change SECTION NAME to the relevant section name.

If it can appear in any section then you have to cheat and use $read() instead of a proper INI identifier:
alias checkini {
  ; $1- holds the filename to check
  if ($read($1-, wnt, help=1)) {
    inc %ini_matches_count
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