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im writing a script with a dialog.

i want to make a shortcut keys like ctrl+f to let search dialog popup.

i no theres on keydown/keyup event for @window

but is there any events like that for dialog?

its also fine using dlls

and doesnt any1 need something like this?

i would find it very nice
There is a dll for that. sendkey.dll I think it's called.
that dll does key stroking

but im looking for a dll that can let mirc to hook keyboard inputs....

ive found one from mircscripts.org but it doesnt work ..

that just made mirc freeze...

Originally Posted By: lovegu
im writing a script with a dialog.

i want to make a shortcut keys like ctrl+f to let search dialog popup.

i no theres on keydown/keyup event for @window

but is there any events like that for dialog?

its also fine using dlls

and doesnt any1 need something like this?

i would find it very nice

yes there are keys like that...i can only tell you about the "F" keys though for now since thats all i found to work, like " cF2 " thats when you press control + F2 and you can use that as a shortcut like on the aliases tab " cF2 { echo something } " you can also do the shift key like " sF2 { echo something } "
that works in the mirc windows not in a dialog. i.e if the dialog has focus the fkeys wont work.

you can use alt-key combinations for ids. you could have...

dialog newdialog {
  title "New"
  size -1 -1 85 20
  option dbu
  button "&find", 1, 1 1 1 1
  button "re&place", 2, 1 1 1 1
menu status {
  dialog:dialog -md new newdialog
on 1:dialog:new:init:0:{
  did -h new 1,2
on 1:dialog:new:sclick:*:{
  if $did == 1 { echo -s find! }
  elseif $did == 2 { echo -s replace! }

use alt-f and alt-p

just an idea for a workaround


You can use the UserInput.dll by checker:
ive tried this dll when i wrote this post

then that time the dll file just made my mirc freeze

now ive tried once more

and its working fine..

thanks for the replies!
lol that told him nothing
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