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Posted By: nomer2007 a question about matcher - 23/11/07 06:00 AM
$regex , token identifiers , userlevel

What else on mirc can use on matching texts?

except iswm
Posted By: Bekar Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 06:35 AM
$right(), $left(), $mid(), $remove(), etc. etc. etc.. A good percentage of the identifiers in mIRC are string manipulation tools.

it all depends on what you are trying to do as to which tools you'd use.
Posted By: nomer2007 Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 06:43 AM
on exact nicks
Posted By: Bekar Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 06:56 AM
If you want a match on an exact nick name in an event, then a simple:

if ($nick == <exactname>) {
  echo -a yup

You can use userlevels to do host mask matching etc. etc. to make life a little easier.

If you have a list of nicks, then using tokens is the best way.
Posted By: Lpfix5 Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 07:26 AM
if ($read(file.txt,w,*word*)) { do stuff }

Posted By: nomer2007 Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 09:11 AM
oh yeah if $read hehehehe thanks
Posted By: nomer2007 Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 11:12 AM
anymore ideas? bout a matcher
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 11:18 AM
It might help if you were specific about what you're trying to figure out. As mentioned, a lot of identifiers can use matchtext. Events can, and so can various commands. I don't see why anyone would need a comprehensive list of all commands that can do that, so there must be a reason for your question. What are you trying to figure out specifically?
Posted By: Horstl Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 11:23 AM
if $ini(inifile,topic,nick)
if $hget(table,nick)
if ($var($+(badnicks.,nick)))
if $fline (getting more exotic)
... there are plenty of possibilities... whick one is most suitable is up to your personal taste and the concrete issue smile
Posted By: nomer2007 Re: a question about matcher - 23/11/07 03:13 PM
I just want to know the different kinds of identifiers on mirc

with *!*@address nick*!*@* or texts
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: a question about matcher - 24/11/07 10:55 AM
Just about anything that can take an address can take wildcards. Simple as that.
Posted By: nomer2007 Re: a question about matcher - 24/11/07 03:06 PM
as i said i just want to know the different kind of identifiers or matchers eek
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: a question about matcher - 24/11/07 05:55 PM
I don't think anyone here is going to spend the time to type out every mirc identifier and command that accepts wildcards. We aren't here to do the learning for you. I suggest going to your mIRC and typing /help, choose the index tab. Start reading at - and don't stop until you get to wma. Read about every command and identifier and think of what you could do with each one.

Posted By: nomer2007 Re: a question about matcher - 24/11/07 06:16 PM
Thanks for your reply but there are some people here that want to share their knowledge.

If you don't know ask for help

i read the help file but haven't red it all sorry have to ask is it bad to ask for help?
thanks anyways to the ones who shared
Posted By: starbucks_mafia Re: a question about matcher - 24/11/07 07:29 PM
The thing is you're not asking a specific question.

There are lots of different identifiers that can take wildcards as input but it's pointless just listing them all because each identifier has a different purpose. For instance if you wanted to match a nickname it's no good knowing that $timer() can take wildcards.

If you have a specific problem then ask about that, but right now you're just asking for someone to reproduce the help file again, which is no good to anyone.
Posted By: Lpfix5 Re: a question about matcher - 24/11/07 08:49 PM
people love having their cake cut and serve to them instead of cutting and serving themselves.

But it is true that anything we would post is everything that is within the mIRC's help file. Treat it has a "bible" and mirc is your "religion" (in a non-offensive religioustically way)
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