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Posted By: sparta $ibl($2,$1).by question - 19/10/07 06:08 PM
$ibl($2,$1).by <- return who set a ban on a channel, but if i use $iel($2,$1).by <- it will return the host from the user that put the exemption there, how can i return the nick instead? tryed to change $? to diffrent values, but didnt help at all. Ideas please?
Posted By: Collective Re: $ibl($2,$1).by question - 19/10/07 07:23 PM
Presumably $iel().by is returning the address in the format nick!user@host, so you can just use $gettok to extract it.
Posted By: vexed2 Re: $ibl($2,$1).by question - 19/10/07 07:42 PM
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