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Posted By: piker mirc logging feature help - 29/09/07 05:57 AM
is there any commandline command to enable logging on all channels?
or does anybody know how could I make a
/logchannels on
/logchannels off
/logprivates on
/logprivates off
/logstatus on
/logstatus off
any ideas apreciated smile
Posted By: RusselB Re: mirc logging feature help - 29/09/07 07:36 AM
From /help /log
/log <on|off> <window> [-f filename]

Turns logging on and off for a window, if you specify a filename the logs file dialog is not popped up.

For channels use the channel name for <window>
For private messages use the person's nick
For status use "Status Window" (quotes are REQUIRED)
Posted By: piker Re: mirc logging feature help - 02/10/07 02:28 PM
no you don't understand
I mean like

it'll log any privates I can receive automatically
will log all the channels
and so on
Posted By: RusselB Re: mirc logging feature help - 02/10/07 11:12 PM
I do understand, and what I showed you is the closest that is built into mIRC. If you want something more specific, it's going to have to be scripted.
Posted By: billythekid Re: mirc logging feature help - 03/10/07 01:32 PM
you could do something like

alias logallchans {
var %i 0
while %i < $chan(0) {
inc %i
log on $chan(%i) -f $+($chan,.log)

on *:text:*:?:{
if !$window($nick).logfile {
log on $nick -f $+($nick,.log)

but isn't it better to just turn on logging for all(options/irc/logging/automatically log/both)?


a $logging addition might be nice to have though.

Posted By: piker Re: mirc logging feature help - 04/10/07 04:17 PM
you sort of understood what I meant.

dialog kool_example {
  title "EXAMPLE"
  size -1 -1 97 82
  option dbu
  box "Logging", 1, 2 3 50 72
  button "Close", 2, 56 29 37 12, cancel
  text "Log All Channels", 3, 4 11 43 8
  text "Log All Privates", 4, 4 33 43 8
  text "Log status", 5, 5 52 43 8
  button "ON", 6, 4 19 20 12
  button "OFF", 7, 25 19 18 12
  button "ON", 8, 5 61 20 12
  button "OFF", 9, 26 61 18 12
  button "ON", 10, 5 39 20 12
  button "OFF", 11, 26 39 18 12
alias loggingexample dialog -mod kool_example kool_example 
on *:dialog:kool_example:init:0:echo -a meow

so what I want to do is to enable simplify the logging features to the way it apears on the dialog =o
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