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Posted By: Angiex57 AKA script? - 27/07/07 09:01 PM
I'm looking for a code that I can pop into my remotes that will, on channel entry, identify a nic along with all of the other nics it is connected with. I have searched many mIRC add-ons and snipets and have found a few that come close..but no cigar. Most require the nic to be in the channel with one nic then leave and return under a different nic. I'd like to find one that will identify the AKA's if the nic has been changed before entry to the channel?
Posted By: NaquadaServ Re: AKA script? - 28/07/07 12:41 AM
See if this helps you... Tutorial - Scanning For Clones
Posted By: Angiex57 Re: AKA script? - 28/07/07 05:46 PM
Thank you so much for your input NaquadaServ:). I found your clone scan useful for one IP multiple users.
What I am trying to locate is geared more towards one IP.. one user.. who likes to change to multiple nic names from channel to channel.
The one code I was able to locate works well...but is limited only to the channel they originate in..
ie..Sam is in channel A and exits channel A and changes his nic to Butthead and returns to channel A.. the code I currently have will connect the two nics.
But if Butthead meanders over to channel B the code only recognizes him as Butthead and does not notify me that he also is known as Sam.
I would like to find a code that would notify me in channel B that Butthead is also known as Sam.
You guys have been awesome and I thank all who responded to this thread.
Perhaps it is a unicorn I am seeking...and it merely just doesnt exist. smile... not to mention that I have VERY little knowledge in this area.
Again I thank you for your hospitality and eagerness to assist me in my blind quest smile
Posted By: NaquadaServ Re: AKA script? - 30/07/07 07:02 PM
I see...

It can be done, you will need to maintain your own IAL in a hash table.

Key format: *!user@address
Value format: (All nicks separated with a comma token)

Key example: *!me@mirc-dll.com
Value example: Naquada,NaquadaServ,NaquadaBomb

; $1 = *!user@address (from $mask($address, 0) in join event)
; $2 = $nick (from $nick in join event)
; returns nothing
alias watch {
  var %existing $hget(WatchIAL, $1)
  hadd -m WatchIAL $1 $addtok(%existing, $2, 44)

; $1 = nick1
; $2 = nick2
; call as identifer, returns $true if nick1 and nick2 are from the same user/address
; returns $false otherwise
alias isSameAs {
  var %Index = 1
  var %match = $hget(WatchIAL, $hfind(WatchIAL, $+(*, $1, *), 1, w).data)
  while (%match != $null) {
    if ($istok(%match, $1) && $istok(%match, $2)) return $true
    inc %Index
    set %match $hget(WatchIAL, $hfind(WatchIAL, $+(*, $1, *), %Index, w).data)
  return $false

Note: I wasn't exactly sure how you wanted to use this information, also I havent actually tested the code, let me know if you have any problems with it...
Posted By: NaquadaServ Re: AKA script? - 30/07/07 07:05 PM
Originally Posted By: Angiex57
... Most require the nic to be in the channel with one nic then leave and return under a different nic. I'd like to find one that will identify the AKA's if the nic has been changed before entry to the channel?

BTW, you can't do it exactly this way... You are only notified (by the server) of nick changes for nicks that exist in a channel with you.
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