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Posted By: harl91 wait in script - 09/03/07 06:52 PM
is there something that will wait 5 seconds before carrying out the next command in a script?
Posted By: benifactor Re: wait in script - 09/03/07 07:04 PM
Posted By: Kardafol Re: wait in script - 09/03/07 07:40 PM
You should be more specific. The /timer command alone won't help him solve the problem, and if you use /timer, things can get complicated, and really messy.

There are a few snippets that can do this:
/pause by FiberOPtics
/sleep by Online

Read the notes for them, since it can get buggy when you're using on *:text:, etc events (it queues other events of the same type).
Posted By: harl91 Re: wait in script - 09/03/07 07:49 PM
Well heres the problem i have, maybe you can help

;!tracker Script

on *:text:!tracker*:*:{
  write -c tracker.txt
  set %nick $nick
  sockopen winbolo tracker.winbolo.us 50000

on *:sockopen:winbolo:{
  if ($sockerr) return
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET / HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: tracker.winbolo.us:50000
  sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */*
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite -n $sockname

;;;Todo List                     ;
;;;Bot                           ;
;;;Password listed               ;

on *:sockread:winbolo:{
  var %a
  sockread %a
  write tracker.txt %a
  sockclose winbolo
  pause s 3
  if ($read(tracker.txt, 9) == ngames=1) { | halt }
  if ($read(tracker.txt, 9) == ngames=2) { msg %nick this is working! | halt }
  if ($read(tracker.txt, 9) == ngames=3) { msg %nick this is working!! | halt }
  if ($lines(tracker.txt) == 1) { msg %nick Sorry, please try that command again | halt }


what i want this to do is read some lines from tracker.txt, but how many depends on how many games are going on. The problem is, is that when i write some script for it, i use the $read like this

msg %nick IP: $mid($read(tracker.txt, 10), 9)

it sends IP: to the person, and then it sends IP: (ip here) after.
Posted By: harl91 Re: wait in script - 09/03/07 07:52 PM
and another problem is that it only puts the first line of tracker.winbolo.us:50000 into the text, yet other times it puts it all. I want all in there. Its weird
Posted By: Kardafol Re: wait in script - 09/03/07 08:52 PM
Edit: code:
;!tracker Script

on *:text:!tracker*:*:{
  if (%trk.nick) .notice $nick Busy, try again later.
  else {
    set %trk.nick $nick
    sockopen winbolo tracker.winbolo.us 50000
on *:sockopen:winbolo:{
  if ($sockerr) return
  var %d = sockwrite -n $sockname
  %d GET / HTTP/1.1
  %d Host: tracker.winbolo.us
  %d Accept: */*
  %d Connection: Close

on *:sockread:winbolo:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) trke
  var %a
  while (1) {
    sockread %a
    if ($sockbr == 0) break
    tokenize 61 %a
    if (GAME* iswm $1) {
      trk server $2
    else trk $1-
    if ($1 == STARTTIME) .notice %trk.nick $trk(server) - Map $trk(map) -  $+(V,$trk(version)) - Type $trk(type) - B/P $+($trk(bases),/,$trk(pills)) - Password $trk(password)
  .timertrackh 1 2 trkd
alias ctrk {
  hfree tracker
alias trke {
  .notice %trk.nick Error, try again later.
alias trkd {
  unset %trk.nick
  hfree tracker
alias trk {
  if ($isid) return $+(,$hget(tracker,$1),)
  hadd -m tracker $1-

Use $trk(item) to get a value, for example: limit, starttime, etc.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: wait in script - 09/03/07 10:43 PM
Well, you could just get and output the data without /writing anything. Or, you could use both methods, /write it, but still output it while reading it. Or, you can use a /timer and /play the text file after 3 seconds. There are many ways you can do it.

A couple of items to note, though:

  if ($read(tracker.txt, 9) == ngames=1) { | halt }
  if ($read(tracker.txt, 9) == ngames=2) { msg %nick this is working! | halt }
  if ($read(tracker.txt, 9) == ngames=3) { msg %nick this is working!! | halt }
  if ($lines(tracker.txt) == 1) { msg %nick Sorry, please try that command again | halt }

Why are you halting? Just use IF/ELSEIF. Avoid HALT whenever possible. Also, if you use HALT and nothing else (line 1), you don't put a | in there.
Posted By: harl91 Re: wait in script - 12/03/07 02:36 PM
thanks karafol for the script! maybe you guys could helpme make it into a window. This is what i got so far.

menu channel,status {
  Tracker:dialog -m tracker tracker

dialog Tracker {

  title "Tracker"
  size 300 200 255 200
  option dbu

  Text "Server", 3, 10 110 200 7
  Text "Map", 4, 10 117 100 7
  text "Players", 5, 10 124 100 7
  text "Type", 6, 10 131 100 7
  combo 2, 10 10 125 100, sort
  combo 10, 200 200 125 100
  box "Tracker", 50, 5 2 245 170

  button "Track",  1, 135  10  60  20
  button "Clear", 8, 135 30 60 20
  button "Select", 9, 135 50 60 20 
  button "Join", 7, 10 150 60 20

on *:dialog:Tracker:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 1) { sockopen winbolo tracker.winbolo.net 50000 }
  if ($did == 7) { run winbolo:// $+ %server }
  if ($did == 9) { did -ra tracker 3 Server: $trk(server) | did -ra tracker 4 Map: $trk(map) | did -ra tracker 5 Players: $trk(players) | did -ra tracker 6 Type: $trk(type) }
  if ($did == 8) { did -r tracker 2 | sockclose winbolo }

on *:sockopen:winbolo:{
  if ($sockerr) return
  var %d = sockwrite -n $sockname
  %d GET / HTTP/1.1
  %d Host: tracker.winbolo.net
  %d Accept: */*
  %d Connection: Close

on *:sockread:winbolo:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) trke
  var %a
  while (1) {
    sockread %a
    if ($sockbr == 0) break
    tokenize 61 %a
    if (GAME* iswm $1) {
      trk server $2
    else trk $1-
    if ($1 == STARTTIME) did -a tracker 2 Server: $trk(server)
  .timertrackh 1 2 trkd

alias ctrk {
  hfree tracker
alias trke {
  .notice %trk.nick Error, try again later.
alias trkd {
  unset %trk.nick
  hfree tracker
alias trk {
  if ($isid) return $+($hget(tracker,$1))
  hadd -m tracker $1-

so i just need it so that when you press select, the info from that game is then put into server: map: players: type: underneith the combo box.
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