mIRC Homepage
Posted By: Garou not working anymore - 17/02/07 05:41 AM
dialog proxy {
  title Proxy Scaner
  size 60 100 320 170
  icon graphics\telnet.ico
  option dbu
  button "Close", 10, 279 74 35 10, flat,ok
  list 11, 5 90 310 80, hsbar
  combo 12, 85 45 180 40
  button "KickBan", 13, 279 34 35 10, flat
  button "Start", 17, 279 20 35 10, flat
  button "Found", 18, 279 61 35 10, flat
  text "", 20, 90 25 170 12
  edit "", 1, 5 33 65 10, autohs
  edit "", 22, 5 73 65 10, autohs
  button "Add Port", 2, 5 20 30 10, flat multi
  button "Edit Port", 3, 40 20 30 10, flat multi
  button "Edit Nick", 21, 40 60 30 10, flat multi
  button "Add Nick", 19, 5 60 30 10, flat multi
  button "Reset", 29, 279 48 35 10, flat
  text "Add Port To Proxy Scaner", 23, 5 10 65 10
  text "Add Nick To Exempted List", 24, 5 50 80 10
  text "Scaner for exploited hosts, such as open proxies, trojans etc.", 27, 100 10 155 10
  box "", 25, 85 18 180 24
  box "", 26, 2 5 316 163
on *:dialog:proxy:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3) { run notepad.exe ProxyCheckList.txt }
  if ($did == 21) { run notepad.exe ProxyChecknick.txt }
  elseif ($did == 2) { .write ProxyCheckList.txt $did(1).text }
  elseif ($did == 19) { .write ProxyChecknick.txt $did(22).text }
  elseif ($did == 14) { did -v proxy 15 }
  elseif ($did == 13) { ban $chan($active) %chk.nickkb 2 | kick $chan($active) %chk.nickkb }
  elseif ($did == 17) { .enable #PROXYCHKD ON }
  elseif ($did == 10) { .disable #PROXYCHKD Off }
  elseif ($did == 18) { .run proxcheck.txt }
  elseif ($did == 29) { did -r proxy 1,11,12,20,22 }
  on *:join:#:{
  if ($nick !isreg #) || ($read(proxychecknick.txt,w,$nick)) halt
  if ((~ !== $address) || ($nick == $me)) { halt }
  %chk.addr3 = $address($nick,5) 
  %chk.addr = $mid($mask(%chk.addr3,2),5,100))  
  inc %chk.l 
  %s.read = $read -l $+ %chk.l proxcheck.txt 
  if (%chk.addr == %s.read) { %chk.l = 0 | halt } 
  else { %chk.l = 0 | goto n } | goto l 
  if (%chk.addr == $null) { halt } 
  inc %i.chk 
  did -a proxy 11 ProxyCheck...  Nick.  $+ $nick  Chan.  $+ #  Address.  $+ %chk.addr 
  set %px.ck 1
  set %px.ck1 $calc($lines(ProxyCheckList.txt) - 1)
  while (%px.ck <= %px.ck1) {
  sockopen chk. [ $+ [ $r(111111,999999) ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] %chk.addr $read(ProxyCheckList.txt,%px.ck)
  inc %px.ck

;  on *:part:*:{ 
;  if ($nick == $me) { halt } 
;  %chk.addr3 = $address($nick,5) 
;  %chk.addr = $mid($mask(%chk.addr3,2),5,100)) 
;  :l 
;  inc %chk.l 
;  %s.read = $read -l $+ %chk.l proxcheck.txt 
;  if (%chk.addr == %s.read) { %chk.l = 0 | halt } 
;  else { %chk.l = 0 | goto n } 
;  goto l 
;  :n 
;  if (%chk.addr == $null) { halt } 
;  inc %i.chk 
;  did -a proxy 11 ProxyCheck..... Nick.. $+ $nick $+  Chan.. $+ # $+  Address.. $+ %chk.addr $+  
;  sockopen chk. [ $+ [ $r(111111,999999) ] $+ . [ $+ [ $nick ] %chk.addr 65535

on *:sockopen:chk.*:{
  set %lastproxyaddress $address($nick,5) 
  if ($sockerr) { return } 
  inc %i.chk2 
  inc %chk.addr3 $nick
  set %chk.nickkb $remove($sock($sockname),$left($sock($sockname),11)) 
  set %chk.nickp $sock($sockname).port
  did -r proxy 11 2 SOCKET-INFO: Errors..( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) Timer:( $+ $duration($sock(chk.*).to)) $+ $nick  ) 
  did -a proxy 12  $sock($sockname).ip
  did -a proxy 20 Found Proxy $remove($sock($sockname),$left($sock($sockname),11)) $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port Select && Press Kick Ban   
  write proxcheck.txt $asctime(dd/mm/yy-HH:nn) $comchan(%chk.nickkb,1) %chk.nickkb $sock($sockname).ip $+ : port  $sock($sockname).port
  ban -ku3600 $$comchan(%chk.nickkb,1) %chk.nickkb 2 14Open Port %chk.nickp Detected. Please secure before rejoining this channel

Posted By: Kurdish_Assass1n Re: not working anymore - 17/02/07 03:51 PM
first of all, you haven't said what isn't working, so, I'm guessing the whole script. You a group #PROXYCHKD, maybe it's turned off, try /enable #PROXYCHKD. You also have a whole lot of ;'s in there, I do that sometimes too, but, be sure not to forget to take them out.
Posted By: DJ_Sol Re: not working anymore - 17/02/07 09:18 PM
Not to go off topic, but if you want to make mirc ignore a bunch of lines like you have. All the ;'s. Simple put them between /* */

mirc will
all these lines
Alot easier than
making a ;
for each line
Posted By: Kardafol Re: not working anymore - 17/02/07 09:41 PM
Try explaining what isn't working, and give us your error messages, etc.

@Kurdish: The group is enabled. You can see so in the code: "#group PROXYCHKD on" or something similar.
Posted By: Garou Re: not working anymore - 18/02/07 01:08 AM
Oh sorry thx i forgot to remove the ;
ya i click on start and nothing happens, it just wont enable for some reason.
Posted By: Garou Re: not working anymore - 20/02/07 01:42 AM
Ok guys i found the problem and fix but now can you add a line to exempt op and there clones?
Posted By: drc4 Re: not working anymore - 20/02/07 08:07 PM
Just add
if (($nick isop $chan) || (nick isvoice $chan)) halt

To the first line, right under your on join, and on part events.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: not working anymore - 20/02/07 09:19 PM
Well, the isvoice isn't necessary if he's only worried about the ops. And if he wanted to have it not work for ops and voices, then using isreg would be better than 2 if checks.

Also, that only helps if the op's clones are all ops (or voices if it's set to not trigger for voices). To have it not work for all of the clones, you'd have to check the $address of the person who triggered the script and compare it to the $address of every op in the channel (or you can have a list of ops' addresses if they don't change and compare it to that).
Posted By: Garou Re: not working anymore - 21/02/07 12:08 AM
Thx to all.
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