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I need som help about scripts...
i have made a BOT and i whant that bot to auto op me and some of my friends automatic when they join my/our channel... HOW???
Need some advice...

You can use /aop command

You can use this command to add users to the list:

on *:text:*:#:{
if ($1-2 == !aop add) && ($3 != $null) {
aop $3 $chan

on *:join:#:{
if ($nick isaop $chan) { mode $chan +o $nick }

Place these commands in the remote (ALT+R)
Then just write in the chan: !aop add <nick>
First type
/auser 10 Your friend nick
/auser 10 Your nick
and then click alt + r
and write

on 10:join:#: {
mode $chan +o $nick
You could also use the mIRC help file as a reference as well...look up

/auser or /guser

they pretty much do the same thing....just thought I'd mention the help file because alot of people kinda overlook it at times

(note i said alot of people not all people)
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