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Posted By: LostShadow mIRC too slow - command for Ctrl Break? - 10/11/06 11:22 PM
My mIRC's remotes are so busy, as of just starting 1 day, that I have to constantly press Ctrl Break to break the commands. Then, after doing these for some days, I go look at the break lines and see they are normal scripts I ave had for years.

I rebooted my computer several times, closed all programs, defragmented, disk cleanup, etc. But mIRC is just too slow. I have to wait maybe up to half an hour just for time of 3 seconds before mIRC freezes again, and I have to flood pressing Ctrl Break to break as many commands as I can.

What's the alias equivalent to Ctrl Break? COM?

Also, see if you can 'fix' any of these.

Say I have a on text event where when a user says something in a channel only, if you have a p.m. window open with them, you also echo the line there.

if ($target == $chan) && ($query($nick)) {
/echo $nick $timestamp $chan < $+ $nick $+ > $1-

And, let's say my nick is Neal, would this code be 'efficient?'

if ($istok($1-,$me,32)) && (!$istok($1-,Neal,32)) {

Because if my nick is not Neal, and someone calls $me, I better respond. But if my nick is Neal, I don't need to do /whatever twice.

/comchans {
var %r
scid -at1 set % $+ r $!addtok(%r, $!networkcomchans( $1 ), 44)
if ($isid) return %r
/echo -s Global common channels with $1 $+ : %r
What can I do about var %r?

if (#*chicago* !iswm $chan) {
if ($istok($1-,Chicago,32)) {


if (#*chicago* !iswm $chan) && ($istok($1-,Chicago,32)) {

Which 1 is better.

on *:join:#: {
if (this1 k that) && (that1 k this) /do this
if (this2 k that) && (that2 k this) /do this
if (this2 k that) && (that2 k this) /do this


on *:join:#: {
if (this1 k that) && (that1 k this) { /do this }
if (this2 k that) && (that2 k this) { /do this }
if (this2 k that) && (that2 k this) { /do this }

Pokes Qwerty...

Posted By: xDaeMoN Re: mIRC too slow - command for Ctrl Break? - 11/11/06 12:55 AM
1. Check for scripts that has /while loops & usually they are the problem

 On *:TEXT:*:#: { 
   if ( $query($nick) ) {
    echo $nick $timestamp $chan &lt; $+ $nick $+ &gt; $1-

** not tested, but should work

 if ( $me == NEAL ) &amp;&amp; ( $me isin $1- ) { 

5. Either one
6. Either one too. you can just remove the / since it's in the remotes section.
Posted By: Mpdreamz Re: mIRC too slow - command for Ctrl Break? - 11/11/06 11:20 AM
Im sure you can alias sendkeys to send ctrl+break but if mIRC is processing a message it wont process any other Windows Messages (What i personally believe WM in WM_* messages stand for but haven't got any documentation to back me up on it).
You can have a look at Whilefix.dll
to overcome your problems
and Saturn has written a briliant documentation explaining it all in great detail here
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