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K, I'm just curious...

I have a script I'm writing that is over 1100 lines, and I know that it is possible that I could be just processing more things than required honestly, but I'm curious about how well mIRC's parser works.

So to my question: Does anybody else notice a slowdown on very large scripts? Or even more interestingly - does anyone have any large scripts that run just as speedy as a normal-sized one?

My large script is a webserver, that used to get about 1GBps download rate on a loopback, but since adding logging features/etc, has slowed down to about 500KBps (which is acceptable, of course, but nonetheless...). As far as I can see, the script is correctly coded - works great, and only has one constant timer for temporary file cleanup and routine stuff of the like.
I literally have about 11000 lines of scripts in my remotes, I don't think it slows down your mIRC, it may be timers that may slow it down, otherwise, I don't think scripts can slow it down. although, it may just a little bit.
I have a set of 20 scripts that are running (roughly) 90% of the time, and total up to nearly 45000 lines. The only times I notice a slow-up of mIRC, is when a script is waiting for input from me, and I've forgotten, or if a lot of disk access is required (eg: usage of $findfile on the entire hard drive(s))

Technically any script will slow down mIRC, but the majority of scripts are processed so fast, the you woukln't notice the difference.

Just finished a comparison of two scripts, one has 20 lines, the other has 2000. The script with 2000 lines took longer, but the difference was only 1 millisecond.
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