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Posted By: MrTds Need Help on Blacklist - 31/10/06 01:16 PM
Hi, i downloaded this script couple days ago:

on @*:JOIN:#: { if ($read(blacklist.txt, s, $address($nick,2))) { /set %blackl $calc(%blackl + 1) | mode $chan -o+b $nick $address($nick,2) | kick $chan $nick Blacklisted (- $+ %blackl $+ -) [ $+ $gettok($read(blacklist.txt,$readn),3-,32) $+ ] } } alias blackconf if $dialog(blacklist) == $null dialog -m blacklist blacklist
dialog blacklist {
  title "Blacklist"
  icon $scriptdir $+ black.ico,0
  size -1 -1 400 350 
  button "&Done", 1, 20 270 70 20,ok
  list 2, 10 20 380 255, vsbar 
  box Nick $chr(124) Address $chr(124) Reason, 3, 5 5 390 260 
  text "You can remove a lammer by double clicking his info", 8, 110 270 370 45
  text "Blacklist", 9, 110 300 370 45
  text "Lamer(s) kicked", 11, 80 316 370 45
  edit - $+ %blackl $+ -, 10, 15 315 60 20,read center

alias blacksetup if $dialog(blacklist) == $null dialog -m blacklist blacklist
on *:dialog:blacklist:dclick:2:{ /set %blackrivi $did(2).sel | /set %blackteksti $gettok($did(2).seltext,2,32) | did -d blacklist 2 $did(2).sel 1 |  echo -a $timestamp  $+ %blackteksti $+  is now removed from Blacklist | write -dl $+ %blackrivi blacklist.txt }
on *:dialog:blacklist:init:*:{ 

  var %i = 1 
  while (%i <= $lines(blacklist.txt)) { 
    did -a blacklist 2  $gettok($read(blacklist.txt,%i),2,32) $chr(124) $gettok($read(blacklist.txt,%i),1,32) $chr(124) $gettok($read(blacklist.txt,$readn),3,32)

    inc %i 
menu nicklist {
  $iif($$1 = $me,$style(2)) &Blacklist
  .Add $$1:{ if (!$read(blacklist.txt, s, $$1)) { $iif(%blackl,inc %blackl,set %blackl 1) | write blacklist.txt $address($$1,2) $$1 $?="Reason?" | echo -a $timestamp $address($$1,2) is now on blacklist! (- $+ %blackl $+ -) | mode $chan -o+b $$1 $address($$1,3) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,2) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,9) | kick $chan $$1 Blacklisted (- $+ %blackl $+ -) } | else { $timestamp echo -a $$1 is allready on BlackList } }
  .Add $$1
  ..$address($$1,3):{ if (!$read(blacklist.txt, s, $$1)) { $iif(%blackl,inc %blackl,set %blackl 1) | write blacklist.txt $address($$1,3) $$1 $?="Reason?" | echo -a $timestamp $address($$1,3) is now on blacklist! (- $+ %blackl $+ -) | mode $chan -o+b $$1 $address($$1,3) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,2) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,9) | kick $chan $$1 Blacklisted (- $+ %blackl $+ -) } | else { $timestamp echo -a $$1 is allready on BlackList } }
  ..$address($$1,2):{ if (!$read(blacklist.txt, s, $$1)) { $iif(%blackl,inc %blackl,set %blackl 1) | write blacklist.txt $address($$1,4) $$1 $?="Reason?" | echo -a $timestamp $address($$1,2) is now on blacklist! (- $+ %blackl $+ -) | mode $chan -o+b $$1 $address($$1,2) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,3) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,9) | kick $chan $$1 Blacklisted (- $+ %blackl $+ -) } | else { $timestamp echo -a $$1 is allready on BlackList } }
  ..$address($$1,9):{ if (!$read(blacklist.txt, s, $$1)) { $iif(%blackl,inc %blackl,set %blackl 1) | write blacklist.txt $address($$1,9) $$1 $?="Reason?" | echo -a $timestamp $address($$1,9) is now on blacklist! (- $+ %blackl $+ -) | mode $chan -o+b $$1 $address($$1,9) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,2) | mode $chan +b $$1 $address($$1,3) | kick $chan $$1 Blacklisted (- $+ %blackl $+ -) } | else { $timestamp echo -a $$1 is allready on BlackList } }

  .Blacklist manager:blacksetup
menu channel {
  Blacklist Manager:blacksetup 

Modified it to work the way i want it, but i'm still in need for one more thing. I want the blacklist manager dialog to allow me, to edit users nicknames, addresses, reasons, to allow me to add the addresses manually.


Any help would be appreciated

Posted By: MrTds Re: Need Help on Blacklist - 01/11/06 08:39 PM
Help Anyone?
Posted By: MikeChat Re: Need Help on Blacklist - 02/11/06 02:12 AM
this is a popular addon which is available on the mIRC scripting sites

also if you use the search feature on these boards you will find several (many) examples of how to do this.

If you want to write your own you might take a look at those and get started, if you need help you can ask here

if you just want the addon use google and search for mIRC scripts
Posted By: MrTds Re: Need Help on Blacklist - 06/11/06 11:37 PM
I've tried looking over here, but can't find the actual thing i need. Would someone be able to point to the right direction?

Thanks in advance.
Posted By: RusselB Re: Need Help on Blacklist - 07/11/06 01:05 AM
Common Scripting Sites:
mIRC Scripts
mIRC.net - NOTE: This one doesn't always have scripts, but rather advice on how to make the scripts

There are others, some of which are linked to those.
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