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Posted By: moshkin scripting error - 29/10/06 05:16 PM
on *:text:!event *:#:{
/msg $chan Todays event is: %event
on *:text:!setevent*:#:{
if ($nick isop $chan) {
set %event $2-
/msg $nick The event has been set to: %event }
on *:TEXT:!credits*:#: {
/notice $nick We owe credits to the following people: Duelist91, for the "Event" commands.

did i do something wrong?
Posted By: Cypris Re: scripting error - 29/10/06 05:41 PM

on *:text:!event *:#:{
/msg $chan Todays event is: %event

Well, besides inconsistant scripting methods, and the fact that the trigger seems to require no further text beyond the trigger, unlike !setevent which requires a string following the trigger to work properly, i'd have to point out that in order to perform the !event trigger you'd need to provide a space after the trigger, because you included a space inbetween "!event" and *, like so...

Yours: on *:text:!event *:#:{
Moded: on *:text:!event*:#:{
Better: on *:text:!event:#:{

and on a scripting method note, keep your scripts uniform, dont type on *:TEXT in one line and then on *:text on the next, also it makes it easiert to read if end brackets either end on their own line, or following at the end of the last line, not both...

on *:text:!setevent*:#:{
if ($nick isop $chan) {
set %event $2-
/msg $nick The event has been set to: %event } <--at the end
} <---by itself

also to prevent your own confusion, do not use wildcards where they are not needed. its always the simple $#!+ that makes you debug your code for hours to find out you forgot a character.

Hope this helps
Posted By: moshkin Re: scripting error - 29/10/06 06:08 PM
ive done all that but it still doesnt work
Posted By: moshkin Re: scripting error - 29/10/06 06:13 PM
On *:TEXT:!commands:#: .notice $nick [Welcome $+($nick,!!!) My Commands Are <!tb (nick) (time in minutes) (reason)> <!milk (user who u wish to recieve a glass of milk from)>

on *:TEXT:!tb*:#:{
if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick ishop $chan)) {
ban -ku $+ $calc($3 * 60) $chan $2 (Temp-Ban for $3 Minute(s) KickedBy: $nick Reason: $4-)}}

on *:text:!drink:#:{
if ($2 == buy) {
msg $chan Here is a refreshing glass of $4 $+ $chr(44) $3 $+ . On $nick $+ s tab. }

on *:TEXT:!pint:#: {
msg $chan Here $nick, have a pint on me! }

on *:text:!event:#: {
/msg $chan Todays event is: %event }

on *:text:!setevent:#: {
if ( $nick isop $chan ) || ( $nick ishop $chan ) {
set %event $2-
/msg $nick The event has been set to: %event }

on *:TEXT:!credits:#: {
/notice $nick We owe credits to the following people: Duelist91 - for the "Event" commands, Moshkin_Khan - For the original Bot, Junglebiscui - For the inspiration. }

on *:text:!bartender:#:{
if ($eval($+(%,floodstop.,$nick),2) > 1) { return }
else {
if ($eval($+(%,floodstop.,$nick),2) == $null) {
set -u5 %floodstop. $+ $nick 1}
else {
set -u5 %floodstop. $+ $nick 2}
if ($2 == buy) {
describe $chan serves a refreshing $4- to $3 $+ . On $nick $+ s tab.}
else {describe $chan serves $nick a refreshing $2- $+ . }
Posted By: Cypris Re: scripting error - 29/10/06 06:17 PM
ok i think i may know what your doing...

You put your script into the remotes area and you save and close the script window, you then try to use !setevent and !event and nothing right? well thats because remotes are to be used exactly as the name suggests, remotely. the only time you activate a script in mirc is by alias or popup normally. on TEXT does not pay attention to what you type. it only cares about what it recieves from others. I believe what you want maybe on INPUT... similar syntax to on TEXT.
Posted By: moshkin Re: scripting error - 29/10/06 06:22 PM
the above is my whole script, literally all of it, im just new to it all. i have no idea waht u mean :s confused
Posted By: RusselB Re: scripting error - 29/10/06 06:55 PM
Usage of the on text event will not respond when you type the command.
Example 1:
Joe types !credit
You respond with a notice to Joe saying We owe credits to the following people: Duelist91 - for the "Event" commands, Moshkin_Khan - For the original Bot, Junglebiscui - For the inspiration.

Example 2:
You type !credit
nothing happens

You have two options: 1) Run a second copy of mIRC that acts as a bot, and put the script on the bot, then it'll work when you issue the commands from your client (not the bot).
2) Re-write the script so that it has on input events as well as the on text events.
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