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Posted By: chump NICK LIST TEXT - 25/09/06 02:06 PM
HI, guyz i am trying to add access to my bot from a text file called nicks.txt i want it to search the file from an ontext cmd
and if the nick is in the list then that person has access to bot to perform cmds any hlep on this would be great smile
Posted By: Bob57 Re: NICK LIST TEXT - 25/09/06 02:49 PM
In general searching a .txt file in On events isn’t very efficient. For up to a dozen or so nicks I’d use a token, for a large list I’d use a hash table. How many nicks do you expect to have in the list? If you could give a few examples of your bot commands that would help too. “!botsay Hello everyone” etc.

/help Token Identifiers
/help Hash tables
Posted By: chump Re: NICK LIST TEXT - 25/09/06 02:58 PM
would be no more then 10 nicks in list..and basic commands like !approve and maybe also like a cmd to add remove from the list would be good...such as !addnick bob !remove nick bob..so i could edit the nick list etc from mirc instaed of opening up the txt file everytime i wanna add access if you see what i mean
Posted By: Bob57 Re: NICK LIST TEXT - 25/09/06 04:28 PM
This is minimal/skeletal, but hopefully it will give you ideas that will work for you.
; /BotNicks.Set to initialize the list
alias BotNicks.Set {
  set -s %BotNicks zud bob Sally

alias BotNicks.add {
  if ($1) set -s %BotNicks $addtok(%BotNicks,$1,32)
  else echo -a BotNicks.add requires a nick

alias BotNicks.remove {
  if ($1) set -s %BotNicks $remtok(%BotNicks,$1,1,32)
  else echo -a BotNicks.remove requires a nick

on *:Text:!approve*:*: {
  if ($istok(%BotNicks,$nick,32)) {
    echo -a $nick wants to approve: $2-
  else echo -a $nick is not in the %BotNicks list and tried to use !approve

on *:Text:!addnick*:*: {
  if ($istok(%BotNicks,$nick,32)) {
    ; can add error checking for if a nick to add was given and send a message to $nick if it wasn't
    BotNicks.add $2
  else echo -a $nick is not in the %BotNicks list and tried to use !addnick

menu nicklist {
  $iif($snick(#,0) == 1, BotNicks list)
  .Add $1 : BotNicks.add $$1
  .Remove $1 : BotNicks.remove $$1

BotNicks.add and BotNicks.remove can be used as aliases or from the channel’s nick list.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: NICK LIST TEXT - 25/09/06 09:35 PM
The best method for handling access to a bot would be to use the User List. Set the users (and all possible IP/DNS combinations that you expect them to have) up in the User List under a number such as 1000. Then, use 1000 in your on texts...

on 1000:text:*:#: {
  do stuff

Most people these days are on high speed internet, so even if they don't have static IP addresses, they usually won't change IP very often. Your only real issue with doing it this way would be if they are dial-up users. In that case, I would just set up a login to the bot and if they log in properly, it will automatically add their new IP info to the user list (/auser).

The danger with doing just nicks for bot access is that as soon as someone realizes that they only need to have a specific nick to use the bot, they will change their nick to one of the required nicks when that person is not in the channel and wreak havok on your bot.
Posted By: FNar Re: NICK LIST TEXT - 26/09/06 02:03 AM
Your only real issue with doing it this way would be if they are dial-up users.

We never had a problem back when almost everyone was on dialup. Even now I have one op who has (so far) 8 entries in my user list (his isp changes the last 3 octets). mIRC is fast enough to handle it.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: NICK LIST TEXT - 26/09/06 09:04 PM
I just meant that you usually only had people with IPs that changed often when there was dialup. Depending on the ISP, you could see the IP changing between only a few numbers, or it could be a LOT of different numbers. Yes, mIRC will add them just fine... it's not an issue with speed. The issue is that if you automatically add them based on nick, you can end up adding the wrong people. That's why I mentioned using a login and then automatically adding the user to the user list after they logged in.
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