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Posted By: maroon cline -m 4 #channelname nick - 06/08/06 09:12 PM
Per mirc.hlp - The -m switch is used with /cline when coloring nicknames in a channel nicklist, and makes mIRC also color the nick in channel messages.

I can't get cline to do anything other than change the nick in the nicklist. With or without the -m seems to behave the same. Can someone show me how to make it "also color the nick in channel messages"? thanks
Posted By: Rand Re: cline -m 4 #channelname nick - 07/08/06 02:50 AM
/cline only effects the color of the nick in the listbox, nothing else. What you want is /cnick.

First off, alt+b -> Color (tab) ->
Check the "Enabled" checkbox. This will enable the use of colors in your nicklist/chan-window.

Then, you can type: /cnick -a Duke 10
This will color the nick "Duke" to the color of "10"

Type: /help /cnick, for more information.

Edit: Oh, btw, I guess /cline -m 10 #chan Nick, will work too, but you still have to: alt+b -> Colors (tab) -> Check Enabled. Kind of silly, but oh well. I personally find /cnick more effective.
Posted By: maroon Re: cline -m 4 #channelname nick - 07/08/06 03:32 AM
Ah, thanks. Another case of mirc not making it clear that you need to have another setting enabled before a command works. Same thing happened when I tried to figure out why a sound wasn't playing when someone on my notify list joined the network, until I checked 'enable sounds'.

For my use, /cline -m is preferrable to /cnick, because /cline will override the /cnick setting, but also because I don't see a setting to restrict /cnick to a single channel, instead of acting on all common channels.
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