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Posted By: Banditrobber Bot commands - 18/06/06 01:13 AM
I was looking for a script that when an op said !op <nick> the bot would op that person, and it would do the same for deop, voice, devoice, halfop, and dehalfop. And if possible could you add the !kick <nick> command?
Posted By: Kurdish_Assass1n Re: Bot commands - 18/06/06 01:15 AM
Many Bots do that, those are the basic commands, you can probably find them at one of these sites:
Posted By: n3o Re: Bot commands - 18/06/06 12:18 PM
You could allways put something basic like this in your own bot.
on *:text:*!op*:#channel: { if ($nick == $isop) { mode $chan +o $2 } }
*!op* meaning !op is the trigger.
I know its basic but it works.
!op bob - would obviously op bob if the person who triggered it is an operator.
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