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1st thing - differences inbetween times

i know i can use $ctime then calculate the differences in between the two - but as it comes out in secods if i get something like 3454 seconds - doesnt really help - so is there a property im missing - or will i simply need to have various if events, i.e if (RESULT < 60) { , elseif (RESULT < 3600) etc ?

as for the 2nd problem

is it possible to replace a value in a hash table - or will i have to dlt then readd?
1. Do you mean $duration(3454) ? I don't fully understand.
2. You can most defintely replace data in a table but you can't replace an item it'd have to be deleted.

lol forgot about $duration that was the answer to my question

- to replace a data do i jus use same format

NICK bla bla bla

already existed in hashtable jus /hadd hashtable NICK newdata ?
alias hash {
  hadd -m MyHash onesikgypo This is me!
  echo -a onesikgypo added: $hget(MyHash,onesikgypo)
  hadd MyHash onesikgypo This is you!
  echo -a onesikgypo updated to: $hget(MyHash,onesikgypo)
  hfree MyHash

Basically typing:

/hadd -m MyHash onesikgypo foo
/hadd MyHash onesikgypo bar

Updates your item.

lol your tring to confuse him!

/hadd tablename itemname itemdata
^ that creates the itemname if it dont exist
^ that replaces the itemname's data if it does
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