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Posted By: D00M Proxy Finder add-on help - 14/04/06 06:20 AM
hey all,iv been using this script add-on for a while now and all has been working great but for some reason it just stopped working (doesnt show a list of proxies anymore to select from).Iv checked the site it grabs the list from and the site is still up and running so im not sure why its not working anymore:

; Proxy Finder v1.0 - Coded by DefauLt (ozcank@gmail.com)
; Addon download: www.mircturk.com
; IRC: irc.mircturk.com
; /load -rs proxyfinder.mrc

alias _proxy {
  dialog -m pcontrol pcontrol
alias _proxykontrol {
  sockclose pcontrol
  sockopen pcontrol www.checker.freeproxy.ru 80
on *:sockopen:pcontrol: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /checker/last_checked_proxies.php HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: www.checker.freeproxy.ru 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; tr; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept: application/x-shockwave-flash,text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q ...
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept-Language: tr-TR,tr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-9,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Keep-Alive: 500
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Connection: keep-alive
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Referer: http://www.checker.freeproxy.ru/
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Cookie: hotlog=1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Cache-Control: max-age=0
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:pcontrol: {
  sockread %p
  tokenize 32 %p
  ;echo -a 2 $1-
  if $dialog(pcontrol) {
    if $1- == <h2 align="center">Free SOCKS 4 proxy list:</h2> {
      set %proxy 1
      did -a pcontrol 3,4 == Socks 4 List ==
    if $1- == <h2 align="center">Free SOCKS 5 proxy list:</h2> {
      set %proxy 2
      did -a pcontrol 3,4  
      did -a pcontrol 3,4 == Socks 5 List ==
    if $1- ==  </table><br> && %proxy == 2 {
      unset %proxy
    if $1 == res && $2 == $chr(61) {
      set %portn $right($gettok($3,1,43),-4)
      set %ports $left($gettok($3,2,43),-1)
    if $1 == name && $2 == $chr(61) && %proxy {
      set %pip $right($left($3,-2),-1)
      did -a pcontrol 3 Proxy IP: %pip
    if port* iswm $1 && $2 == $chr(61) && %proxy {
      did -a pcontrol 3 $left($1-,-1)
on *:sockclose:pcontrol: {
  unset %proxy
  if $dialog(pcontrol) {
    did -e pcontrol 7
dialog pcontrol {
  title "Proxy Finder"
  size -1 -1 94 174
  option dbu
  tab "Tab 1", 5, -96 -98 500 400
  list 4, 6 22 80 120, tab 5 size
  button "Use selected", 8, 47 7 38 12, tab 5
  button "Find proxy", 7, 7 7 38 12, tab 5
  button "Close", 9, 6 145 38 12, tab 5, ok
  box "", 10, 2 0 89 172, tab 5
  text "Proxy finder v1.0", 11, 6 160 72 8, disable tab 5
  tab "Tab 2", 6
  list 3, 10 25 31 16, tab 6 size hsbar vsbar
on *:dialog:pcontrol:*:*: {
  if $devent == sclick {
    if $did == 7 {
      did -b $dname 7
      did -r $dname 3,4
    if $did == 8 {
      if $did(pcontrol,4).sel {
        var %1 = $gettok($did(pcontrol,4).seltext,1,58) 
        var %2 = $gettok($did(pcontrol,4).seltext,2,58)
        if $did(pcontrol,4).sel > $didwm(pcontrol,4, *,1) {
          firewall -m5 on %1 %2
          echo 3 -a * Selected proxy ( $+ $+(%1,:,%2) $+ ) is ready on SOCKS5.
        else {
          firewall -m4 on %1 %2
          echo 3 -a * Selected proxy ( $+ $+(%1,:,%2) $+ ) is ready on SOCKS4.
      else {
        echo 2 -a * Please select a proxy which you want to use.
alias -l _listing {
  var %i $did(pcontrol,3).lines
  while 1 <= %i {
    if $right($gettok($did(pcontrol,3,%i),1,32),-4) == %portn {
      var %1 = $gettok($did(pcontrol,3,%i),3,32)
      if $gettok($did(pcontrol,4,$did(pcontrol,4).lines),1,58) != %pip {
        did -a pcontrol 4 %pip $+ : $+ $calc(%1 + %ports)
      did -o pcontrol 3 %i IRC port: $calc(%1 + %ports)
    dec %i
menu channel,status,menubar {
  Proxy finder:_proxy

any help would be great as iv found this a very usefull add-on in the past and is far better than other proxy add-ons iv used,TIA

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