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Sorry about the long subject name, Well thanks for providing me a chance in asking a question, Hello everyone my name is Rob and I am new to scripting and would like to echo a channels contents i.e all of the text to another channel located on a different network.

Is this possible? and if so can you guys please help, also I have seen an echo script in a previous post, Maybe you could add to this to allow it to echo to another network and also where do you add scripts to IRC?,, Soirry i am a n00b to al of this smile

I did this exactly

alias copycat $iif(!$dialog(copycat),dialog -dm copycat copycat,dialog -v copycat)dialog copycat { title "CopyCat" size -1 -1 100 75 option dbu edit "" 101, 5 10 90 10 edit "" 102, 5 30 90 10 edit "" 103, 5 50 90 10 text "#tense", 201, 5 0 90 10 text "!r3ta", 202, 5 20 90 10 text "#fr3inds", 203, 5 40 90 10 button "On", 901, 5 62 40 10 button "Off", 902, 55 62 40 10 button "", 999, 0 0 0 0, cancel}on *:dialog:copycat:sclick:901:{ set %copychan $did(copycat,101).text set %copynick $did(copycat,102).text set %copytoo $did(copycat,103).text .enable #copycat echo -a Copy Cat Script is now 4,2ARMED ;dialog -x copycat}on *:dialog:copycat:sclick:902:{ .disable #copycat echo -a Copy Cat Script is now 1,9DISARMED}on *:dialog:copycat:sclick:999:{ unset %copy* .disable #copycat echo -a Copy Cat Script is now 1,9DISARMED}#copycat offon *:text:*:#:{ if ($chan == %copychan) { if ($nick == %copynick) { var %copytext = $1- .msg %copytoo %copynick -> %copytext } }}#copycat end

I then put this in scripts remote as new one saved it as echo when to script manager as im using acidmax, then i went to scripts and it is not ther enor is it in the loaded scripts, What have I done wrong

Thanks Rob
It's been done over and over.


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