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Posted By: bwr30060 Loop for retrieving email - 15/02/06 07:34 PM
I have this small section of code I'm trying to get working. What I want is for it to loop for as many messages are on the server and write the text of each to a window. %temptext is what is being read into by sockread. Does it go out of this loop everytime it sockreads? I tried this code and got an endless loop saying "+OK 1 messages" in the window. Thanks.
if ($gettok(%temptext,2,32) > 0) {
      echo -a you have mail
      set %mailtotal $gettok(%temptext,2,32)
      set %N 1
      set %loop 1
      window @Email
      while (%N <= %mailtotal) {
        sockwrite -n $sockname retr %N
        while (%temptext != .) {
          aline @Email %temptext
        inc %N

I have while (%temptext != .) because it sends a . after the body of the message.
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: Loop for retrieving email - 15/02/06 09:04 PM
You can't have a loop in the sockread event. The loop has to be done with global variables and comparisons not a while loop. Try code that I made:

usage: /getmail <server> <port> <username> <password>

alias getmail {
;1=server 2=port 3=username 4=password
  set %chkADDR $1
  set %chkPORT $2
  set %chkUSER $3
  set %chkPASS $4

  set %getmail.write 0
  set %getmail.state 1
  if ($sock(getmail)) sockclose getmail
  sockopen getmail %chkADDR %chkPORT
  .timer 1 5 sockclose getmail

on *:SOCKREAD:getmail:{
  var %s
  sockread %s
  tokenize 32 %s
  ;echo -a &gt; $1-

  if (-ERR isin $1) {
    echo 4 -a ERROR: $1-
    echo 4 -a %getmail.state QUIT
    sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
    set %getmail.state -1
  elseif (%getmail.state &lt; 0) {
    echo 4 -a %getmail.state Done
    sockclose $sockname
  elseif ((OK isin $1) &amp;&amp; (!%getmail.write)) {
    if (%getmail.state == 1) {
      echo 3 -a USER
      sockwrite -n $sockname USER %chkUSER
      inc %getmail.state
    elseif (%getmail.state == 2) {
      echo 3 -a PASS
      sockwrite -n $sockname PASS %chkPASS
      inc %getmail.state
    elseif (%getmail.state == 3) {
      echo 3 -a STAT
      sockwrite -n $sockname STAT
      inc %getmail.state
    elseif (%getmail.state == 4) {
      echo 12 -a $2 $iif($2 == 1,message,messages)
      if ($2 &gt; 0) {
        set %getmail.count 1
        set %getmail.state 5
        set %getmail.num $2
        .remove mailget.tmp
        echo 3 -a RETR %getmail.count
        sockwrite -n $sockname RETR %getmail.count
      else {
        echo 3 -a QUIT
        sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
        set %getmail.state 99
    elseif (%getmail.state == 5) {
      echo 7 -a Receiving %getmail.count
      set %getmail.write 1
    elseif (%getmail.state == 6) {
      if (%getmail.dele &lt; %getmail.num) {
        inc %getmail.dele
        echo 3 -a DELE %getmail.dele
        sockwrite -n $sockname DELE %getmail.dele
      else {
        echo 3 -a QUIT
        sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
        set %getmail.state 99
    elseif (%getmail.state == 99) {
      echo 3 -a DONE
      sockclose $sockname
      unset %getmail.*
  elseif (%getmail.state == 5) {
    if ($1- == .) {
      var %getmail.ticks = $ticks
      .rename mailget.tmp $+(%getmail.ticks,.txt)
      echo 7 -a Received %getmail.count
      echo 7 -a Saved as $+(%getmail.ticks,.txt)
      set %getmail.write 0
      if (%getmail.count &lt; %getmail.num) {
        inc %getmail.count
        echo 3 -a RETR %getmail.count
        sockwrite -n $sockname RETR %getmail.count
      else {
        set %getmail.dele 1
        echo 3 -a DELE 1
        sockwrite -n $sockname DELE 1
        set %getmail.state 6
    else {
      write mailget.tmp $iif($1,$1-,$crlf)

The sockread event will check for existing messages then retrieve all of them and then delete all of them.

Posted By: genius_at_work Re: Loop for retrieving email - 15/02/06 09:11 PM
Also, if you just want to check how many messages there are, you can use this code instead:

usage: /checkmail <server> <port> <username> <password>

alias checkmail {
;1=server 2=port 3=username 4=password
  set %chkmail.ADDR $1
  set %chkmail.PORT $2
  set %chkmail.USER $3
  set %chkmail.PASS $4
  set %chkmail.state 1
  if ($sock(checkmail)) sockclose checkmail
  sockopen checkmail %chkmail.ADDR %chkmail.PORT

on *:SOCKREAD:checkmail:{
  var %s
  sockread %s
  tokenize 32 %s
  ; echo -s &gt; $1-

  if (OK isin $1) {
    if (%chkmail.state == 1) {
      echo 3 -a USER
      sockwrite -n $sockname USER %chkmail.USER
    elseif (%chkmail.state == 2) {
      echo 3 -a PASS
      sockwrite -n $sockname PASS %chkmail.PASS
    elseif (%chkmail.state == 3) {
      echo 3 -a STAT
      sockwrite -n $sockname STAT
    elseif (%chkmail.state == 4) {
      [color:red];;; Number of messages is stored in $2 at this point only[/color]
      echo 12 -a $2 $iif($2 == 1,message,messages)
      echo 3 -a QUIT
      sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
    elseif (%chkmail.state == 5) {
      echo 3 -a DONE
      sockclose $sockname
      unset %chkmail.*
    elseif (%chkmail.state &lt; 1) {
      echo 4 -a DONE
      sockclose $sockname
      unset %chkmail.*
    else {
      echo 4 -a Incompatible response at state %chkmail.state
      echo 4 -a Error: $1-
      sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
      set %chkmail.state -1

    inc %chkmail.state
  else {
    echo 4 -a Unknown response at state %chkmail.state
    echo 4 -a Error: $1-
    sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT
    set %chkmail.state -1

Posted By: bwr30060 Re: Loop for retrieving email - 15/02/06 09:42 PM
I'd like to try to use my own script as much as possible, since I made a dialog for it. This script was working fine to get one message until I started trying to add the part to make it retrieve more than one message if there were more. I'll show you the whole sockread event.
on 1:sockread:mail:{
  sockread %temptext
  if (!$window(mail)) { window @mail }
  if (%temptext == +OK POP3 server ready.) { sockwrite -n $sockname user MyUserName }
  if (%temptext == +OK please send PASS command) { sockwrite -n $sockname pass MyPassword }
  if (%temptext == +OK MyName is welcome here) { sockwrite -n $sockname list }
  if (*messages* iswm %temptext) { 
    sockwrite -n $sockname retr $gettok(%temptext,2,32) 
    sockmark mail mail
    set %mailtotal $gettok(%temptext,2,32)
    set %N 1
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a Error.
  if (%temptext) {
    if ($sock(mail).mark == mail) {    
      while (%N &lt;= %mailtotal) { 
        if (*From:* iswm %temptext) { aline @mail %temptext }
        if (*Date:* iswm %temptext) { aline @mail %temptext }
        if (*Subject:* iswm %temptext) { aline @mail %temptext }
        if (*Message-Id:* iswm %temptext) { sockmark mail body }
      if ($sock(mail).mark == body) {
        if (*Message-Id* iswm %temptext) { echo }
        elseif (%temptext == .) { echo }
        else { aline @mail %temptext }
      if (%temptext == .) &amp;&amp; ($sock(mail).mark == body) {
        sockmark mail done
        inc %N
  unset %N
  unset %mailtotal
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: Loop for retrieving email - 15/02/06 11:09 PM
The code I provided can easily be modified to do what you want. You are welcome to try to get your code to work if you'd prefer, but I'm not going to waste my time debugging your code, especially since it doesn't even come close to conforming to the POP3 protocol, not to mention that it would have to be completely rewritten to get it to work anyway.

To use my code (the first code) to retrieve and load an email into a dialog, simply run the code as described above, and after this line:

.rename mailget.tmp $+(%getmail.ticks,.txt)

add this line

.timer -mo 1 10 parsemail $+(%getmail.ticks,.txt)

And then make an alias called /parsemail that reads through the given text file ($1) and loads it into the dialog however you want. You can use your existing code (with minor modifications) to recognize From:, Date:, Subject:, etc and load them into certain dialog items, and then load the body into another item.

Anyway, it's up to you.

Posted By: bwr30060 Re: Loop for retrieving email - 16/02/06 12:35 AM
Actually it conforms exactly to the POP3 protocol and I have it working.
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: Loop for retrieving email - 16/02/06 03:09 AM
Really. Try using the code you provided above on another POP3 server that uses a different daemon.

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