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Posted By: Vinniej Login system for more users. - 14/02/06 11:50 PM
Hey, I'm back again wink.

This isnt working as I hoped.

 on *:text:!login * *:?: {
  if ($2 == %passw0rd., $+ $2) { set %loggedin., $+ $nick yes | notice $nick You logged in successfully! }
  elseif ($2 != %passw0rd., $+ $2) { notice $nick Wrong password. }
  else { halt }
on *:text:!password * *:?: {
  if (%loggedin., $+ $nick == yes) { set %passw0rd., $+ $2 $3 | notice $nick Password for $2 changed to $3 $+ . }
  else { notice $nick You are not logged in. Please log in. Don't have an account? You dont have access. }

Well, I can login, but can't change the password or do commands where I need to be logged in. How can I fix this problem. I think it's a problem with "%loggedin., $+ $nick == yes". Because you cant use spaces before the "==". Well, I don't want many changes, so I need a change on this script. If someone can help me, I'm very happy so.. smile

No, "%loggedin.,$nick == yes" isnt working.
Posted By: RusselB Re: Login system for more users. - 15/02/06 12:40 AM
When posting code please use the Code Tags. You have a habit of using the Quote tags instead. The Code tags are just to the right of the Quote tags.

I did a bit of fixing up of your code, and this should work properly.
 on *:text:!login & &:?: { 
  if ($($+(%,password.,$2),2) == $2) {
    set $+(%,loggedin.,$nick) yes
    notice $nick You logged in successfully!
  else { notice $nick Wrong password. } 
on *:text:!password & &:?: { 
  if ($($+(%,loggedin.,$nick),2) == yes) {
    set $+(%,passw0rd.,$2) $3
    notice $nick Password for $2 changed to $3 $+ .
  else { notice $nick You are not logged in. Please log in. Don't have an account? You dont have access. } 

Most likely one question that will occur to you is "what happened to the *?"
I'll answer that now, I replaced them with & which is another wildcard character, but & only matches one word, as * will match any number of words (including none)

If you have any other questions, ask and I'll do my best to explain.
Posted By: Vinniej Re: Login system for more users. - 15/02/06 12:48 AM
I got "%passw0rd.,#chan <pass>" in my variables. However, It keeps saying I have the wrong password... shocked

Problem fixed.
Posted By: Vinniej Re: Login system for more users. - 15/02/06 05:55 PM
Ok, cant edit my post, but why this following code doesnt work?

on @*:deop:#: {
  if ($($+(%,loggedin.,$nick),2) == yes) { halt }
  elseif ($+(%,protection.,$chan) == on) { mode $chan +b $address(2,0) | kick $chan $nick You are violating $chan $+ 's rules. Please cease your abuse! | timer1 1 300 mode $chan -b $hostmark }
  else { halt }

Im trying to script a little protection bot, working with NNscript etc smile.
Posted By: hixxy Re: Login system for more users. - 15/02/06 06:12 PM
This part needs evaluating:

 elseif ([color:red]$([/color]$+(%,protection.,$chan)[color:red],2)[/color] == on) {

The else { halt } is kinda pointless as that's what mIRC does anyway.
Posted By: Vinniej Re: Login system for more users. - 15/02/06 06:15 PM
This part needs evaluating:

 elseif ([color:red]$([/color]$+(%,protection.,$chan)[color:red],2)[/color] == on) {

The else { halt } is kinda pointless as that's what mIRC does anyway.
No, only logged in users are allowed to kick, ban, op, deop.
Posted By: hixxy Re: Login system for more users. - 15/02/06 06:20 PM
Yes but if the elseif statement isn't matched mIRC will just not execute anymore commands anyway, so the else { halt } part is not needed.
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